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The last man I talked with on Fitness Singles. A sexist, lazy user.

The last man on Fitness Singles I talked with was a 70-year-old who never learned to cook. His late wife cooked every meal and waited on him for 47 years. When he was watching football she brought him salad and meals. Unbelievable.

He doesn't want a committed relationship. He wants a friends-with-benefits arrangement. "I can come over and eat dinner with you every day, " he said. No way!

He was a sexist, lazy user. "Leave me alone," I told him and blocked him.

After meeting over 50 grown male-adolescents like him, I quit online dating.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I wasn't taught to cook as a child but in art school and photopgraphy school I taught myself. Remember (Most) men are pigs.

My experience in rehab with the aids and nurses taught me that many women are pigs to. Ah, the state of humanity.


#1. men don't read
#2. they want you to be easy
#3. online dating sucks!!!!!


You are right. Over 75% of the men I met online wanted sex on the day we meet. "Let's go to a motel."

They even wanted sex RIGHT NOW when I took them for a walk along the river! Appalling.

@LiterateHiker I get that all the time. Quite gross considering their age!


Your profile put it all out there on the table. Anybody who read it top to bottom should know what you want and where they stand in relation to that. Any guy who thinks otherwise is just plain stupid and needs to be taught humility amongst other things. Not having someone to share the joys of life sometimes is no fun, but having someone in your life who makes you miserable is far worse. You make the best with what you have and if you bump into him on the trail one day, all the better.
And love what you did with Paul Simon's lyrics, that was great.


Thank you, Eric!

Did you notice I used the same rhythm and meter in Paul Simon's delightful song?

@LiterateHiker First thing I caught.


I have much the same problem with women over 50.... They all want someone who will fully support them and their lazy ass kids who should have jobs and be on their own and supply them with a maid so they don't have to cook or clean.

Parents should have done better raising them so they could at least get a damned job and bring in some money.


You seem to be a magnet to these kinds of guys.


With online dating, I attracted hundreds of men. Don't blame me. I never advertised myself as a doormat. Here's my last online profile:


There must be fifty ways to meet your lover.

Hike a new trail, Dale
Climb a new hill, Bill
I’m full of joy, Roy
Come trekin’ with me.

I’m lookin’ for smiles, Miles
Intellectually smart, Art
Love a man with wit, Mitt
Come set yourself free.

If you are a Trump supporter, hit the back button NOW.

I find the wonder and joy in life. The infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand, the joy of tasting a juicy, ripe peach. Intense, playful, passionate and determined, I have fun every day.

I love hiking to high alpine lakes and ridges surrounded by jagged mountain peaks. After dark I look up and feel awed by the glowing Milky Way and billions of sparkling stars. We all need more low-level ecstasy in our lives.

I'm seeking an athletic, intelligent man with a great sense of humor who treats me with respect and kindness. Shared recreational activities are a bonding experience for couples. Although I am a good cook, I'm not willing to do all of the meal planning and cooking. Everyone loves to hear those magic words: "Dinner is served."

My parents talked and laughed together every day. That’s what I want. Love operates best when we add a certain spirit, an attitude of goodwill. I wouldn't know a grudge if it mugged me.

With Irish optimism, I have a dash of mischief and see the good in people. I'm politically liberal and an atheist. Grew up on a lake in Michigan so water is in my heart and soul, and I know the difference between the Midwestern mosquito and a B-52. And I know my way around a miniskirt.

Skinny dipping at night made me a lifelong sensualist. August evenings at the lake were warm as bath water, accentuated by icy cold streams flowing up from the bottom. It was an exquisite experience I long to share.

Since 2006, I have been a volunteer college mentor at the high school. I help low-income students write essays for college and scholarship applications. They are the first person in their family to go to college. In 2023, Coby won $68,009 in scholarships; most are renewable.

One of these is not correct:

  • As a teenager I skated alone at midnight on thin ice.
  • To get into graduate school, I took the Graduate Record Exam.
  • I stood in a rainbow.

Can you guess which one?

First Date:
Let's meet for lunch and walk along the riverfront. It's easy to talk while enjoying nature.

@LiterateHiker I'm guessing that he didn't read all of that. Probably just looked at your picture and thought, "yeah, that'll work".


He sounds like he's married, single

@Betty He's more than likely married but is single behind his wife's back!

@michelle666gar The possibility of that being true is valid but his wanting the same kind of treatment he had before leads me to believe that he is either separated/divorced or widowed. He sounds like someone who wants to be taken care of.


I have found it difficult making a connection on online dating at this age. Not blaming anyone. We want what we want. I work out. I am very active. No health problems. Oh, and I can cook. I have lived alone for twelve years and I am happy. It would be nice to have someone to share the things I do alone.


Oh, does that mean no more stories? 😟

It is frustrating trying to find a connection in our generation. I don't even try. I feel for you. 🤗

Betty Level 8 June 1, 2024

I know lovely men who can cook, wash and clean, however it's me, I am the problem. None of them interest me, none.


My ex could cook, was a good cook at one time, so we can't blame your dude's generation, my ex is over 70 now. Men like him are why I got off dating sites. They don't want partners, they want servants with benefits.

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