I heard whispers that you gain entrance to his celestial kingdom and a harem of untold carnal joy throughout eternity. can any million pointers confirm?
Don’t you find a harem of untold carnal pleasures just a little inconsistent with a supreme being promoting moral integrity?
not according to the book of Mormon or the Koran if you get a killstreak.
I’m just pointing out the moral inconsistency. It’s kind of hilarious, really.
You get kicked out of your mum's basement and told to "get a life"
The sun becomes a red giant, expands and consumes the Earth. After that ... nothing important to members will happen.
I wrote this guide for new users a few months ago...
Level 1 - nothing.
Level 2 - trusted with basic menial tasks such as sweeping the website floor.
Level 3 - trusted to perform more complex tasks such as make coffee for higher levels. Exceptionally gifted Level 3s may also be trusted to do the grocery shopping.
Level 4 - May use the bathroom on the floor below the Executive Suite and Penthouses.
Level 5 - Permitted to make use of vehicles from the Agnostic.com fleet, though not the Rolls-Royces which are reserved for Level 6 and up.
Level 6 - Full access to the Executive Suite. All travel expenses paid without question.
Level 7 - Permitted to use the private bar. From Level 7.8 upwards, may participate in weekly orgies.
Level 8 - Access to official helicopters and Gulfstream jets. May decide on fitting punishments for lower level users who have committed minor transgressions.
Level 9 - Largely ceremonial duties, including presiding over initiations. May decide on fitting punishments for lower level users who have committed major transgressions, up to and including public flogging and execution. Given luxury office and penthouse, with pet lemur.
Level 10 - Considered too exhausted to be of further use; forcibly retired and turned loose in the forest.
(Incidentally, nobody has yet managed to amass a million points and thus reach Level 10!)
I have clearly not been using this correctly! ???
Those weekly orgies just about demotivated me ( some of us should never be nekkid around a group of people-even if there is a bar-) but that level 9 pet lemur got me excited all over again!
@Varn yep tootsie rolls
Your at 8 Lovely, if my Glasses are in sinc. How did you configure the rest of 8,9,10? Did you find a date that your not relating about who gave you the rest or are we being left in the dark. We like your repose but are more interested in what happened with the date.?
That was very motivational!