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LINK A John Wayne flop has been linked to high cancer rates. A new documentary aims to tell the community’s story.

Downwinders deserve compensation and assistance in struggling with our governments contamination of them & their environment. Contact the Speaker of the House & urge him to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Even if he doesn't, you will sleep better.

Mooolah 8 July 1

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Hardly new. A lot of the cast died of cancer. Whether this was causally linked to the filming area is disputed. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be there.


I fucking hate that toady mike johnson.


A "new" documentary? This has been coommon knowledge for Decades and has been investigated, documented, and used in videos and articles.

@Druvius actually no, a Huge percentage of people who worked on that movie got a whole lot of cancer.

@Druvius ummmm, 91 out of the 220 cast and crew developed cancer, 46 died from it.
"Normal: ????"expected"??????
I think not.

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