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LINK Project 2025 - Americans United

900 Pages. 4.1 Pounds. Infinite Cruelty.

Project 2025: The Christian Nationalist plan to take over America

Project 2025 could mean the end of American Democracy

Public Education Abortion Access Gender Affirming Care LGBTQ+ Equality Racial Justice Immigration Rights

Project 2025 is not a myth. It’s not propaganda. The Project 2025 plan was created by a billion-dollar Shadow Network of organizations, legislators, and power brokers determined to destroy our democracy. They wrote it down. It has a website. And Project 2025 will affect you, your family, friends and communities.

HippieChick58 9 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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One major problem with the supposed takeover is that the corporate types need us as much as we need them. I have noticed an uptick in ads to buy stuff. Without sales and a source of income the oligarchs can't get ahead. A recent article in the Seattle Times mentioned how Tesla sales are falling and more people are becoming disillusioned with this idiot Musk. When a system that has been worked and tweaked for 200+ years suddenly breaks no one wins. My question is what is meant by 'Christian' nationalist? Is it a branch of Catholicism or protestantism? If the later which sect? We will end up with several civil wars within Christianism even worse than what is going on within the Muslim religion. Also, what happens to the majority of the nones who have no religious followings?


This as real as it gets. We better wake up, get to the polls, and vote these bastards down in November. If they get into power we're screwed.


The only thing new about this set of ideas is they are now all organized in one place. The oligarchs and Christian nationalists have wanted all of this for a long time, and now feel like they have the muscle to proudly say it all out loud. Sad times, but a long time in the making. We are all frogs in a pot of water, and these guys have been slowly and incrementally turning up the heat. 😡

zeuser Level 9 July 17, 2024

When I read "The Handmaid's Tale", I thought it was very unlikely we'd be heading inh that direction. However, it seems some (crazy/delusional) people want to go there.

Just like religion took Europe into the dark ages, if they get control, they will take down the U.S.

In simple terms the plan appears to be wanting America to once again be like it was in 1900. Very few if any programs to help people back then.


The way things are going, this is what we have to look forward to. 😟

Scary map.
It won't be happening to me and my community.

Great syllogism! Very ingenious! 😎👍



The USA has always been an oligarchy, with both major parties protecting <a ruling class. Only our national, state and local legislatures are democracies.


Putin has won. His sock puppet installed equally corrupt judges on SCOTUS and they've shredded the Constitution on cue. The US is a Jenga stack that has tipped over, but just hasn't fallen, yet.

In a major way, Biden is to blame. He inherited an ongoing coup, but refused to mobilize the resources to address it. He could have dealt with the court before all these other decisions drove the dagger home. Now it gets ugly. Really ugly.

racocn8 Level 9 July 15, 2024

Absolutely right. The weakness of the left, and Biden "Mr. Nice Guy" in particular, failed to deal aggressively with what was happening. I blame Merrick Garland, too. Putin knew how weak the Democrats were, and how ripe for the taking.

The Supreme Court has empowered Biden
I can't imagine that he will effectively use the powers

@Unity The problem being that no descent person would use those powers. However, as soon as a (evil) sociopath takes office, they will will take advantage of those powers.

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. Let's not descend into despair while we still have a chance to turn this around.

@Organist1 A big problem was and may still be we do not have a majority in both houses. One house on the bad side can and has been sidetracking everything.

@pedigojr that and the corrupt MAGA justices.

@Organist1 I think most don't know about a similar problem during WWII and France. Under Hitler a part of 'independent" France a form of government known as the Vichy was created. Top officials, in the regime, were either jailed or shot and a lot of sub par bureaucrats put in their place. These people simply did the bidding of the Nazis for fear of losing their lives. The MAGA crowd has yet to fully take over but this is a tactic they started under the first tRump regime. I think more people are waking up to what is going on but the tactic of having the coward crowd installed in high places has begun.


All of this is 100 percent true and we must work to stop it. Unfortunately we do not all have the same news feeds so many will not believe it. Trump has worked with and knows many of these people. Rather than act against project 2025 some will claim "they said this but do not really mean it." Wake up folks. This is real.


If there is not an awakening in this country,our way of life will be destroyed,and we will have an idiotic dictator.
Who could have foreseen the drastic turn of events;more importantly,who can believe is that cretin who has only succeeded at drifting in his misbegotten existence?🤬


More like a divide and conquer plan.


And after 50 plus years spent setting up the government to accomplish it, stopping them going forward is going to require massive effort and a rethinking of how our democracy works. As long as the Democrats play by the rules, we are going to suffer the same fate as Democrats did in the 1860's. We have a candidate that beat the odds in 2020, let's get behind him and hope he can overcome the Right's tampering with our voting system and election procedures.


all for Jeebus.

Leetx Level 7 July 15, 2024

And power & cash.

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