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What dope induced cloud9 is the author of this long winded Al-Jazeera article on?

"Solidarity with Palestine must be about decolonisation, not just ceasefire - The global pro-Palestinian movement must not fall for short-term goals that do not address Palestinian demands for justice and freedom. By Samer Jaber who is a political activist and researcher." - (


He concludes his litany by stating "The genocide in Gaza and the global mobilisation against it have put the Palestinian struggle at an important juncture. It is essential for Palestinians and their allies to seize this moment and push for a solution that dismantles colonial structures and establishes a single, democratic state where all citizens, regardless of ethnicity or religion, are equal." But fails to mention how Palestinians are going to be able to trust psycopaths believing they are superior to everyone else from repeating their genocidal murders & land theft. Please Mr Jaber do jabber some more and explain how?

FrayedBear 9 Aug 18

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Your anti-hebrew bias is getting tiresome.
Palestinians have never, no, not ever been anything but passive vassals.

This state of Palestinians owed its existence to Imperial Isreal Zionist, the chosen ones? Yeah rrrright...
Palestinians is mention several times in the new and old testament Bible and Zionist are not. Still, God is got to be the worst real estate broker ever. It's time for Palestinians to break out of this godly life time prison That being the worlds largest openair Nazi like prison.

@Castlepaloma Palestine was always an area, NEVER a country. For a long time prior to the end of WW 1Palestine was an area ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

@Castlepaloma oh, look, FACTS!!!!!!
And BTW, read the room? Using the Babble as an authority for your dubious stance is kinda lame......

You may have a right to say that when you have had me iterate my criticisms for 76 years. Until then try & grow up & lose your #stupidity.

@Alienbeing until corrupt decision 76 or so years ago Israel did not exist and just as back in1947 still doesn't have any right to exist. It's a very poor quality of human who cannot admit mistake & then reverse that mistake.

@FrayedBear There is no mistake to own up to. Last, ever hear of King David? What country did he rule?

@Alienbeing the kingdom of Israel only extended from north of Jericho to Lebanon then called Phoenicia. Gaza was situated in the Kingdom of Judah as was Jerusalem, Jericho & Bethlehem. The kingdom extended from the River of Egypt to the Kingdom of Israel. However we only have the myths contained in the Hebrew Bible telling us that the area was ruled by the Jews. We all know from the lies told by the IDF & Israeli government regarding the current genocide of Palestinians that the Jews cannot be trusted to tell the truth. You fail to mention if the Jews are indigenous FNP of the region. Wikipedia states that it was the Canaanites who were indigenous to the region not the johnny come lately Jews.

@FrayedBear Your feeble attempt to dance around the comment in your 8/20 post where you saiduntil corrupt decision 76 or so years ago Israel did not exist " proves that you not only don't know too much, but that you are a terrible liar.

The unavoidable fact is the counrty of Israel DID exist prior to 1947, and Palestine NEVER existed as a country.

You embarrasse yourself over and over, it is a joy to see you squirm.

@Alienbeing seriously alien, if you knew the condition of my body you would know that that the last thing I do is squirm.

When will you get it into your head that acquisition by theft whether 2000+ years ago or in the last 100 years does not entitle anyone, irrespective of their religion to disposses indigenous peoples from their land. Your semantics on names is precisely that.
The reparations owed by the Jews to the Palestinians now far exceeds the value of all Jewish assets in the territory controlled by them in the middle east. I do not advocate an eye for an eye but suggest that lobotomy is an humane treatment for the Israeli Jew's crimes. It seems that your contribution is continued complicity in those crimes by supplying the with the armaments & means to continue the genocide & other crimes perpetrated by them.

@FrayedBear Apparently you don't know the word "squirm" is often used to denote someone trying to wiggle out of a self made predicament. Now you do.

Your second sentence shows you are either making another feeble attempt to wiggle out of your prior statement, or you are much more ignorant that I think you are, and I think you are extreamly ignorant. Throughout history "indigenous" people have been displaced by others. Your own country is but one of hundreds of examples, so save that argument for someone dumber than you seem to be.

Palestinians will get their own country when they show they deserve one.

@Alienbeing Yet again you consider you are ennobled to determine, contrary to world wide opinion & enacted law, that Israeli Jews are entitled to steal , commit genocide & other atrocities against the Palestinians. You are beyond redemption.

@FrayedBear 3 replies to @Alienbeing........methinks he dun struck a nerve.
Too bad so sad.......

@FrayedBear There is no such "world wide opinion". The opinion you refer to is only held by those who ignore what Palestinians have been deviously doing for decades. There was no stealing, nor genocide.

Sometimes I wonder what sources (other than rt of course) you read, because you are always wrong.

@Alienbeing as you are now showing total dementia in your reply I say no more other than thanks for the entertainment.

@FrayedBear wow looking in the mirror as you write this nonsense are ya?

@annewimsey500 drumk again Anne? -
"3 replies to @Alienbeing........methinks he dun struck a nerve.
Too bad so sad......." & "wow looking in the mirror as you write thuis nonsense are ya?" Or simply fruitlessly trying to put your brain into gear whilst yet again not realising that it's still not functioning! Priceless 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@FrayedBear In the future try to stick to explaining (or trying to explain) the Posts you shove out.

@FrayedBear your ASSumptions are staggering, if pathetic.
I am a teetotaler, have been since my 20's as I do not care for the taste, the price, or the effects of alcohol

@annewimsey500 try writing your comments in comprehensible english then it will not appear that you are under the influence.!


I see no possible way for what Jaber wants to ever be happening. He acts as if all the powers that be can just re-call everything and start out equally for all sides. It is not happening and will never happen.

LOL, if the following is correct it is merely a matter of time before Israel implodes: "Israeli economy self destructs?"

You conveniently forget that Israel was corruptly created back in 1947. Since then the Jews have stolen other's lands to increase its size. The stroke of the pen can be 'simply' reversed after the recalcitrant criminals have been made to compensate for & repair all the damage they have done over the last 76 years.

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