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Who are the biggest spenders & most influential of the lobbyists in America? It's not AIPAC. IT'S THE US CHAMBER OF CONGRESS AN ORGANISATION THAT HAS RESULTED IN DEGRADATION OF AMERICAN CITIZEN'S LIVING CONDITIONS. And why is this?

Corporations are now treated as citizens & they are using their influence not only to make their position advantageous regarding labour & consumer protection laws but also to distract you from what they are doing.

Ping @WilliamandMary, @puff, @vocaloldfart, @anglophone, @silver1wun, @Alienbeing,@SpikeTalon,@Castlepaloma, @1patriot

FrayedBear 9 Sep 14

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Corporatism stacking the deck into a house of cards. With weapons of mass distractions.

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