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President of Colombia “Anyone who defends the genocide in Gaza or remains silent in the face of it has destroyed their own human condition.”

Colombian President Gustavo Petro denounced the silence over Israel’s war in Gaza, insisting that a genocide is taking place in Palestine.

“Anyone who defends this genocide or remains silent in the face of it has destroyed their own human condition,” Petro said Sunday on X.

“It would seem as if (Nazi propaganda minister Joseph) Goebbels is the one who directs the world's communications so that tens of thousands of journalists are silenced in the face of their murdered colleagues and 20,000 babies torn to pieces by bombs,” he added.
the US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Deborah Lipstadt, questioned Petro's criticism of the Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

"[] Gustavo Petro's continued rhetoric normalizes anti-Semitism. We cannot accept it. We cannot tolerate it. We must condemn these harmful narratives," Lipstadt said in a message published on the social media account of the US Embassy in Bogota.

Petro responded to Lipstadt on his X account.

"Madam Ambassador, Palestinians are Semites...It is anti-Semitic to kill children by dropping bombs in Gaza and not to oppose it. The most anti-Semitic thing today is to repeat Hitler's holocaust on humanity and especially on the Palestinian people.

“I am not an anti-Semite. Do not confuse and respect. I am not anti-Jewish. I believe in freedom of religion, and if I had been born in that era, I would have given my life in the armed resistance against the Nazis. But I do believe in the freedom that international law generates, the freedom that was built after Hitler was defeated by the Americans and Soviets and by all the peoples of the world: humanity,” he said.

Well said Mr Petro. Despite attacks & accusations from the likes of @Alienbeing & @AnneWimsey500 I have been saying the same thing for nearly twelve months. In my opinion the madness espoused by the likes of the aforementioned & Deborah Lipstadt is simply another example of extended folies à deux or as I call it folies en masse.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 23

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No one has disagreed with you that Palestinians are Semites. I even reminded you that Anwar Sadat brought that up years ago.

Apparently your memory is getting even more faulty, which is hard to believe.

You are the one jumping to the conclusions.

By the way how is this result sitting in the alien household at the moment? Sanguinely comfortable & happy that 85% of the world's population is against your 5% Americans & your 10% of world population who are your sychophants, are you?



Here is a Isrealis tour boat at sea showing Gaza city explosion going off like fireworks. Sickos Think Isrealis will have to be almost Wiped out before they change their mind about Palestinians.

@Castlepaloma sadly no longer lets me watch without installing tiktok

@FrayedBear We don't care, not at all.

@FrayedBear What conclusion was that?

@Alienbeing obviously you are well indoctrinated by your rabbi to believe that you are above international law. I will, sadly, take no pleasure when your are hung. If you're lucky Trump will be re-elected & pardon you but perhaps even have you thrown out for being anti-semitic. 😀


The greatest terrorist attack on the west in the last few decades. Has been the 9/11 terrorist attack where 2000 Americans were killed. Couldn't blame it on Iraqis or Afghanis because they were not on those planes. Now 9/11 it's blamed on Saudi Arabia after 24 years because they stopped the US dollar, the US military and their oil. Where it was a false flag attack set up by the Zionist and USA Military.. No explanation for building 7.

Isrealis attack on Lebanon with electricnic devices is another level of a terrorist attacks ever.. About 37 dead and 3400 injuries. Now Zionist don't hide anything and the chosen ones fell they can do anything they want,without any responsibilities what rude awakening for them in the near future.

No two groups are more hard headed in this world today. Than the Zionist, Christians and Muslims. The ultimate in sicko religions.

Enjoy being online again!

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