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LINK Not every public mention of religion is "creeping Christian nationalism" -- Friendly Atheist

Magazine editor Clara Jeffery saw backlash after complaining about a flight attendant who wished her a "blessed" night

Sep 30, 2024

Some people just enjoy complaining about everything, especially if it suits their narrative. I regularly point out when conservatives do it; it’s only fair to call it out when it’s an ally.

(Follow above article link to read full article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 30

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I hear people telling me this all the time and I just say the same to you.

I tell them something like "have a nice fart..." just to annoy them...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I don't want any drama, so I just say same to you! Lol!!!

@michelle666gar I have always found that if you say things like this in a friendly fashion as if you are trying to be helpful people just get confused and don't understand what you said or did.


I feel using religious phrases when there is no earthly reason to (are we in church?) is actually Very passive-aggressive and utter BS.
Knock it off!


One can call it 'harmless' religiosity. Um, no. It's never harmless to delude oneself or to seek to delude others. It is ALWAYS a segue to seeking validation or opening a proselytizing rant. No amount of bigotry is OK.

If you wish me a "blessed " anything my reply is most likely going to be "you too."

@DenoPenno Hmm... "You too" may be a good response when someone says "Bless your heart" in a passive aggressive way...

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