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Is this for real? I liken it to continuing to argue that there is not a god after you've declared that you don't believe there is.

Why would you tell an enemy that you wish to punish for having murdered your own leaders that you are going to rain specified missiles on him at a certain time & in certain given locations?

An interesting opinion piece that concludes that Israel will soon cease to exist as it is currently known.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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MORE THAN USUAL NONSENSE BY OUR RESIDENT VILLAGE IDIOTS BELOW, and they are the major commenters in the thread too.
Abandon Hope, ye........
EDITED: this post inspired Frayed Bear to make 5 (so far!) Silly day has been used wisely.

Ms Wimsey standing in front of here mirror pointing & shouting as usual.

@FrayedBear res ipsa

@annewimsey500 in your case definitely res ipsa for a fascist Palestinian holocaust & genocide denier.

If your not speaking out your deep concerns about genocide, mass murderers, stealing every basic need for a person existence.. The chickens will come home to roost and we'll be on the wrong side of history

@FrayedBear What make some an expert on village idiots??
Could it be that birds of a feather stick together or perhaps it takes on to know one. I personally think stems from the fact that the name callers feel threatened by opposing views and opinions, therefore they set themselves up, in their minds, as being the experts and only source of truth.
Reality Check:- truth is fluid!

@Castlepaloma she already is - a member of what is now the second most despised people on earth. They are only fractionally less despicable than Israeli Jews.

@FrayedBear ummmmmmm English going back to before the Norman Conquest, which "despised group"are You referring to, Anglo-Saxons?

@annewimsey500 American


FrayedBear & Castlepaloma must stay awake all night attempting to figure out ways to defeat Israel.

What a waste of time.

In your coke fueled delusions alien. Lmao ROFL.

@FrayedBear I don't like soft drinks and unlike you I don't use drugs.

I sleep well because my condolences is doing a human service. Wail most are politically complaining. I'm building back better solutions with tiny house communities and urban farming for better nutrition and medicines, using a faction of the energy, waste and cost.

Isreal is already defeated, they can't use shooting kids in the head and rape any Palestinians, and do whatever they want and get away with it. That's just criminal.

If a isreal soldier was thrown into a US prison for shooting a kid in the head. That guy would be raped and killed in days. Killing kids is the worst crime among the worst criminals.

The world will change itself.

@Castlepaloma You have become delusional.


If not harming anyone and being of great service to the poor and sick. I'll line up with those kindness nuts. You continue supporting the harmful and greedy top mentality lllness and psychopaths on earth.

@Castlepaloma Are you now adopting Kamala's word salad replies?


WWIII has begun. Ashenkenazis have always played the persecution card for their gain. I foresee that there will be terror attacks all over Europe, supposedly by Arab extremists( read IDF) which will then unite some nations to aid Israel in an all out holy war against Muslins.
Europe has a large Muslin immigrant/ refugee problem (taking housing, jobs and accumulating wealth) which is enabling far right wing parties to come out of the shadows and gain power.
Given enough stimulus, in he right direction ...............Wella
I can see the IDF play both sides in the terror game. This would give Israel sympathy and vilify the Muslins. A win -win for the IDF.

All the more reason to lobotomise them before letting them out of Israel.

Finally Israel has bitten off more than they can chew.
Minus the aircraft and nukes . Fighting Iran and the 7 fronts, is like Canada fighting the US. The Vast majority of wars are won by the amount of ground soldiers and the scale of their population. US and Europe are backing off more and more this Isrealis suicide mission. Hezbollah is already kicking ass on the ground in Northern Israel.

@Castlepaloma The media we see is so biased. By all accounts the propaganda war is being won by Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan with the world waiting on Iran. I see that the populous support is behind the Palestinians while global governments are defending Israel. Politicians are being dragged toward populous opinion. Sooner or later governments and god forbid, the media, will eventually have too capitulate and support the Palestinian cause.
Which is why Israel must mount false flag error operations

With Muslims countries willing to die for their religion. I can't imagine winning over Muslims land or their spirit.

Check the US and Israel white dominant race. The US has only won the Mexican war and ISRAEL has only won occupation of Palestinians, yet most of the world and especially Muslims are in retaliation for Palestinians. And the brown people are flooding the refugees and immigration in the west.

The more the west squeezes them. The more they will slip through your fingers.. Wars solves nothing, just harms the majority of the people.

@Castlepaloma Try typing facts veres your delusions.


You can't prove other wise. Can you?, you you alien delusional? If Aliens did visit this planet, they would claim no intelligent life here and leave.

@Castlepaloma Want to see how EASY it is to prove other wise?

Well, I addition to the Mexican war, I seem to remember we won WW1 and WW2, the Spanish American war, and others.

Wars to solve issues. Hitler was a big issue, and was solved. The Mexican war solved Mexican government intrusions over our Southern border.

As I said, try fact, not your bullshit.

@Alienbeing America won?? there lies the bullshit. America has had it's arse kickd in all its wars since ww1. America did not win WWII. the British did when they cracked the enigma code.America was involved in the mopping up operation.
I can understand your patriotism , the love for your land , the pride you display in your nation, but please check your facts before commenting on issues you obviously know nothing about.
Hope all is well with you, and enjoy your day..

@vocaloldfart England was CLEARLY losing WW 2 prior to U.S. entering the war. Cracking enigma was a factor, but American troops and air power were the decisive factors. I have many many hours of military history and can go into as much detail as you need to back up what I just said. Additionally England had little to do with Japan's defeat.

Patriotism has nothing to do with fact.

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