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Why does Netanyahu not want ceasefire or peace at any price? So much so that he ordered the assassination of Nasrallah after he had agreed to a 21 day ceasefire brokered by the US & France. Or was it ordered by USA?

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Rashid Bou Habib speaking last night on PBS to Christiane Amanpour and he dropped one helluva bombshell there, because he just sat there and told Amanpour, that assassinated Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had agreed to a 21 day ceasefire, that had been brokered by France and the US and he alleged was also agreed to by Netanyahu as well, that is what Bou Habib claims Lebanon was told by the US and France, only for Israel to then launch the attack it did, which killed Nasrallah, along with some 2000 Lebanese civilians living in the 6 tower blocks Israel levelled in order to get to Nasrallah.
That’s the value of Israel’s promises, of Israel’s word of Israel’s commitment to achieving peace. They don’t want anything of the sort.

That's 2005 people killed with US supplied bombs. And USA denies knowledge of the assassination. More crimes to be sheeted home to the USA.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 7

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While I very much doubt the U.S. ordered the hit, we should have.

So speaks one of the great American race of amoral law breakers.

Some people encourage genicide wars and enjoy it .
What are they called?

Western narcissism and support for genocidal Israel go hand in hand
Delusional beliefs of civilisational superiority help the West claim it is on the right side of history while supporting genocide in Gaza.

@FrayedBear Anytime you disagree with me or resort to moronic attempts to insult I know I am correct.

@Castlepaloma Some people ignore facts, what are they called?


Religious scientist. Or hypnotized programed masses.

@Castlepaloma Yes, and add left leaning fools.


Left and right politics are tools for the government and Bankers for their owe power and control. . I just use my heart to lead by and right and left side of the brain to shortly follow

@Castlepaloma Left and Right politics are in no way related to the left and right side of one's brain.

@Alienbeing I don't bother to disagree with you alien. I simply state the truth & let it refute your Jewish propaganda.

@FrayedBear You don't stat truth, nor do you often lie, for the most part you just repeat propaganda.

@Alienbeing As no one has determined an alternative truth my propaganda believed by more than 70% of the world's people it can be the only truth. Sadly alien because of your & your fellow delusionists delusions your propaganda is a lie just like the lie that coloured people are an inferior species to so called white humans.
So for as long as you suffer your mental illness I will continue to give you the truth. That way I'm helping you to overcome your illness & keeping myself sane.

@FrayedBear You would not know truth if it hit you.

I will continue to see your approvl of hogwash propaganda, laugh a little , then correct you.

@Alienbeing your delusion.

@FrayedBear Try harder.


I'm not a fan of Nuttiyahu and I do not think Americans should be involved in this in any way. What I do know is that a year ago Israel was attacked and apparently that was Hamas or Hezbollah. It was a bad mistake. A history of this group is that they use women and children as a shield and raise hell if anyone retaliates on them. This would even involve putting their people in a hospital. For reason I do not know, the people of Palestine end up being slaughtered but continue to want Hamas to represent them. Trump made it worse by his "Christian" recognition of Israel. Is this insanity or what?

Hi Deno, with regard to human shields I suggest that you watch the video I posted days ago that exposes Israeli crimes in Gaza including using civilians as shields & IUD detectors.
"WATCH: Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in Gaza"
And why do you persist with the nonsense that this only started a year ago? The Israeli Jews have been perpetrating atrocities, genocide, land theft & illegal detention as well as apartheid against the palestinians on their own land for 76 years. I know that is far longer than you've been cognitively aware but it's time you realised that you're following propaganda as corrupt as the lies of mass deception told of Iraq before the invasion & US genocide of a million or more Iraqis.

The reason why there is a Hamas and Hezbollah is the fault of the Zionists.

The history if Hamas is that they never honor their agreements.

@FrayedBear Nonsense of a year ago? It was a year ago that Israel was attacked and that started this back up again. Yes, it has been an on again and off again war like situation.

@DenoPenno get real, the genocidal psycopathic Israeli Jews have been at for more than 76 years! Compared to what your American patriots rebelling against the British in 1766 suffered the Palestinian response to the Jews atrocities is gentler than a kittens. FFS in one year the atrocities perpetrated by the Jews have been 10,000 X those inflicted by Hamas. See my post a few hours ago from Dr Gabor Maté a German Holocaust survivor who has totally turned against these psychopaths.

@DenoPenno, @Alienbeing whereas Jews & Americans honour their agreements - don't make me laugh.

@FrayedBear First you have NO clue what Jews in America do or do not do. Second, American Jews come in all sorts of political flavors so one cannot generalize, and you are too ignorant to know that.

Even if everyone in America did not honor their word that in no way excused Hamas for not honoring their word.

Last, their Koran states it is OK to lie to "infidels", and they sure do.


If Nazis were lining up people to kill jews that day And they asked each one, if they were newish And I was in that lineup and was jewish. I would lie, that I'm not jewish, to save my skin.

Same for Zionist lining up Palestinians and I was in the lineup and Palestinians.. I would lie again, because I am not stupid.


Hezbollah and Hamas need to be wiped out as you can’t negotiate with people who are calling for the total destruction of Israel.

Ah, another intelligence believing the propaganda of the US and Israeli governments. Thank you for your confirmation. You do realize that like the Jews boasting of their war crimes on social pages reported in the video on "WATCH: Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in Gaza" you are effectively providing the same evidence against your country.

It is only through the dismantling of Israel that the genocide and war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli Jews will cease. When that happens neither Hamas nor Hezbollah will have need to exist. They are no less freedom fighters than your American patriots who fought the British during the war of independence in 1776.

I am sure you know you can (and should) ignore everything @FrayedBear types. I'd say he is a Communist shill, but I don't thik he is smart enough to qualify as such.

@Alienbeing and you are a jewish Gaza Holocaust denier & true anti-Semite.


Bear lives in a fassism NATO country Australia like,the USA and Is-real÷hell a much worse version of fassism. Bear is not cheering .fassism or communism on.

Now Canada is rapidly becoming communist, I know from experiencing the old USSR. It's very difficult to escape from Canada, for all its unaffordable living and ridiculous new laws.

@FrayedBear When Palistinians start a war they have no standing to complain about casualties. They asked to it, they got it.

You continued VERY feeble attempts to conflate my anti-palestinian and accurate observations with antisemitism is merely another lost cause you adopt.

I suggest you try stronger drugs, your current usage is obviously not working.

@Castlepaloma First it is fascism, not fassism. Second, where is "Cabada", and why do you want to escape from there?

Last, it seems you can't find anyplace to live that satisfies you. Apparently the problem is you.


Thanks, just corrected.

I was satisfied in my home in Belize , untill covid prevented unvaxxed me from businesses and to visit my family.
Most Canadain are dissatisfied with Canadain politics and cost of living.. You have to make $33 dollars an hour in Toronto to make ends meet.

I've considered Argentina if the world wars is worse. My daughter and I are able to work anywhere in the world , lucky entrepreneurs. ..

@Alienbeing I could have selected from many videos all saying the same thing but chose this as it is relatively short. In the video it is simply explained how European Jews called Zionists have obtained largely through theft & corruption the land currently called Israel:

And Gaza Holocaust denier don't forget to thank me for revealing the the Jewish propaganda that has been blinding you from the truth.

@FrayedBear You can select from many antisemite posts, articles, or other media. That does not make any of the correct.

Rant on, when Israel knocks out the miscreants in the Middle East, I wonder what you will say then.

@Alienbeing the only miscreants in the Middle East are your Israeli Jews who have outdone Hitler's 3rd Reich in genocide, atrocities & the creation of the Gaza Holocaust.

I will in all probabilty be like Israel dead, gone, wasted, brown bread, ash to ash, dust to dust but it will only happen because your Jews that you support are not fit for inheritance of the earth & being the craven cowards they are will try to destroy everone in their arrogant suicidal beliefs.

My consolation will be that unlike you I will have died knowing what inhuman aliens the Israeli Jews are & that the planet no longer has their like walking around.



@FrayedBear You latest rant of 10/9 reveals an increased level of anxiety. The prediction that was most of your rant is your wish, but in reality only a fantasy.

Israel will survive, and unless Israel virtually wipes out Palestinians so will Hamas and Hezbollah, albiet in a very deminished capacity. Accordingly i hope Isreal finishes them off now, and included Iran in the process.

@Alienbeing lol. In your nightmares.

@FrayedBear If the coments in my post came to fruition that OBVIOUSLY would not be a nightmare, rather it would be a fulfillment. Do you understand English?

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