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How many times has someone just assumed you were Christian in some way or another?

TampaHeathen 7 May 13

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Sure. I have this almost instinctual response to help when that opportunity pops up and I'm able to. For some reason some of the comments or help I offer without complaint or concern for a thanks or praise of any kind generally gets me offers to join someone's church or as which sect or church I already belong to. Never a question of if I'm religious. Apparently being a nice person is automatically attached to religious. I never quite understood that notion. I haven't been a church goer since I was a child aside from weddings and funerals. I haven't felt the need or want.

Why does just being a nice person have to automatically mean religious? I mean seriously, I've seen the most horrendous behavior from known religious figures, why would I want anything to do with that?

AmyLF Level 7 May 19, 2018

@TampaHeathen Sometimes... Actually, you should see them when I admit I'm pagan (non-theist). That doesn't happen often but every once in a while I just get the sense of having a little fun with them. You'd think they were about to go into full possession mode, head spin and pea soup spew threatened... LOL!


A lot, I am always referred to as christian because I practice equality , do not degrade those that are not as I am, and in full relationship with the christian perspective I am not afraid of things. I do have a faith or belief that when goodness meets goodness it is all good..

EMC2 Level 8 May 15, 2018

Ha ha... Not keeping count


Every time i meet someone new, they assume i am, when of course i am not, then i tell them i don't believe in there man in the sky, and they don't want to talk to me anymore 😟 lol


All the time. Only this forum... my son... my wife... and my brother in law know about me.


I don't know. They learn pretty quick otherwise if they did/do though.


I have a tattoo on my left arm of a female embracing a snake creature. On my right breast I have an evil looking gargoyle. When they see those, they're pretty sure I'm not a Christian and pretty much avoid me.


I'm guessing it happens more than I know because most of the time it simply doesn't come up. A woman I worked with who was from my hometown was appalled when I told her, and then told her my kids weren't baptized. I thought she'd die right there. (I still get anonymous "Easter cards" in the mail, but not since I moved.) Another was a real estate agent who asked me what church I attended, and the news was a shock to her as well, one she clearly didn't expect. Her husband was present to, and he just stuttered. I went with another agent. There are more instances I can come up with, but they follow the same pattern. And then there are all those people making the same assumptions who never bring them up. I think it's funny.


I'm such a Betty people assume I'm Christian, Conservative, possibly even racist. Then I open my mouth. It's amazing what I overhear when people just assume I'm going to agree with them.


Can't count them all.


Almost all the time, probably because of where I live.


Since, I a closeted atheist it's a lot . I hope some day to openly express my beliefs to others.

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