Within five years we should be able to witness two stars merging together and it will be see with the naked eye. This is an historic event and the scientists have just recently discovered these two stars moving together.This dual star event started billions of years ago and we are seeing the final event which will create a new blue star.
I remember a few years back that they were broadcasting a Meteor Shower at a certain time and date. So after much anticipation did I arise at 3 am to go and view what just looked like another night. I have been with a few astrologist and physicist to really get into a fascinating world that they can relate about. They always have the correct scopes and where and what your looking at. I'm sure we will all be going to Google or Yahoo to get the pictures and a better understanding of whats happening. At least I will.
This is in the Cygnus star constellation I think by 2022 when it's estimated to be visible. It will also burn 100000x brighter than what it is now. It is a binary star system one is larger than the other, and the gravitational pull from the larger is causeing the smaller star to collide into it. Definitely a once in a lifetime event for some people we will be lucky to witness it.
Will radiation follow this event? Hope not...
Which stars? I hope it’s not the one we orbit!
We do not know what happened to our second star but they continue to look for it and believe it was pulled away by a larger star billions of years ago.
@Marine or it never had a twin
@indirect76 They are pretty sure it did as most stars are binary and many single stars show that at one time there was a second star.or a black hole.
@Marine I din’t think that’s good reason to think our sun ever had a twin.
Yep. Looking forward to it. Hope I live that long.