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Finish This Statement: "I Remember"

"I remember", the first time i ever played a DVD movie and realized i didnt have to rewind it like a VHS cassette lol!

Please finish this statement "I Remember"

twshield 8 May 17

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"I remember doodoo, they had a swimming pool"
Frank Zappa


I remember what I came into this room for! So happy


I remember, back in the 70s, I was......


What was the question?


I remember when i had to get up to turn the tv channel.


...when cable tv was new.

@TampaHeathen I remember UHF channels really well. My mother used to watch bullfights from Mexico.

I discovered cable TV by moving to a small town in Alabama in 1972. Back then it was just local stations from too far away to pick up with a regular antenna. That was before the glories of CNN, HBO or MTV.

I remember when television was free.


I remember being so afraid that I may have to go to to Viet Nam

Oh yeah, me too!!


Oh, here's a good one. I skateboarded RELIGIOUSLY in the 70s. From around 1972 all the way to 1980, clay wheels, right up through German 'speed bearings' that cost like $13 extra PER WHEEL! ($13 x 4 to a 15 year old in 1979 was drug runner money!) My board in 1979 almost touched $200 total... hell, you could have bought a running VW Bug for that. My board might have outrun that bug!!!

In 1980 my parents moved back to the USA... All new friends and a dead skate scene locally. I also had car keys!

So... I put the old Sims Superply in the back of the closet and moved on.

I remember jumping on a nephews skateboard around 1990 and wiping out at 26 or 27 years of age. And son of a bitch if 1990 concrete wasn't about 4x harder than 70s concrete!


I remember a lot I'd like to forget and forget some I should remember.
Where's my coffee mug ?


I remember the time I knew a girl from Mars.

4 first time at Disney World; my second best friend (my dog); my very best friend (Dad).


EVERYTHING arrrrggghhhh!! B


I remember when you could go into a shop with just £1, get a bottle of coke, a snickers bar and a comic book. You cant do that now theres too much cctv everywhere lol

@twshield We`ve still got our currency bud 🙂


I remember when I was a young father, that I lost 100$ Ben just took off. A couple of years later while doing yard work, I found my son Dakota’s wallet in some weeds that had overgrown by the house. I opened it up and there was my $100. I miss him so much :’(


I remember being taken to see "Bambi" as a child and screaming my head off, hiding under the seat....because Bambi's mother was killed! Why in HELL did Disney make such awful films?

i cried when she died...

Sadistic ass comes to mind

That fucking traumatised me.


I remember spending $600 on a 1 speed external CD-ROM drive for my computer back in the 80's. Because we just had to have the new technology and be the cool kids on the block! Lesson taken - wait patiently for the new tech to develop, work out its bugs, and come down in price.


Unfortunately, everything.

@twshield Sometimes it is more of a curse than a good thing.


My first computer hard drive. Started using computers before hard drives. First hard drive was 2MB and then you thought look at all the storage I have for my computer.


I remember skating outdoors every winter at the local metropark. The ice would reliably freeze by January and every year there was a season for ice skating. Not so reliable the last 20 years or so...


"I remember the squeal of tyres, the sickening thud, and the sensation of flying"
(only joking)


I remember how to spell Alzheimer.


I remember my first solo. I didn't feel up to it. The instructor said I would do fine and I had nothing to worry about. Then he took his jacket out of the aeroplane, just in case...

Glorious feeling, like I conquered the world!!!

@buzz13 That, and the great feeling of not looking up from the bottom of a smoking hole.


My first transistor radio

@twshield LOL


I remember.......l remember.......l......can't remember.


I remember going to a bar with 3 bucks, drinking 5 beers, buying a pack of Marlboros, playing two songs on the juke box, and leaving with half a buck in my pocket.

And I remember you never stood your round.


I remember when I missed phone calls because I wasn't home and nobody cared.


"I remember"
doing the Time Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me
And the void would be calling...

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