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Rainy days...

When the rain comes and all hope seems lost, who do you lean on? What types of things do you do to cope and get through hard times?

Thefixisin239 4 May 18

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Literal rain? I like it. I chill out by the window and enjoy the smell. ?


rainy day ,dream away, let the sun take a holiday . let it drain your worries away . lay back and dream on a rainy day


I like rain, I enjoy rain... I even dance and chant in the rain.


Good question...

Sounds silly but treats. Chocolate, tea, coffee... Sleeping..

I like the rain in weather terms.


I personally turn to music and it helps me decide.


And Sundays Always Get Me Down. But like Budda says get knocked down 7 times, get up 8.
Never let them see you sweat and when your going thru Hell to remember to just keep going. The light at the end of the tunnel is not another train or is your ship awaiting when you were at the Airport. Every thing is a lesson and a blessing. You came away much smarter and will be ready for the next encounter.


Decent clothes and I get on with my life....


Friends, my kids, my dad. Any friendly face is always the best medicine. Yeah, ok, a bowl or two and a dry martini help too.


Myself primarily along with family, friends, neighbors. I deal and rely on reality to make it through good times and bad times that happen to all of us.


The only one who can't let me down.
Best pals are we.
Til death do I part.


Weed, friends, and a little scotch, or when l am playing music, which usually involves the aforementioned. ?

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