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How would you regulate this and enforce it?

Refer to photo.

NotConvinced 7 May 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I found it funny when a few years ago my aunt tried to mail me some Kinder Surpise Eggs from the UK to me in USA and they told her they were banned in USA for safety reasons and she couldnt mail them. Then I went to Bass Pro shop for some fishing gear and saw child sized guns that shoot actual bullets with kiddie graphics painted on them. Apparently nothing in this world is more dangerous than kinder surpise eggs like the ones I used to get as kid in Canada. Not even a do it yourself gun made from piping can compete with the dreaded Kinder Surpise! And that my friends is exactly the surpise!

Get this thing to shoot kinder eggs, we'll be all set for the rapture!


If we have to fight a coup d'etat we will need lots of these. When the government comes for you & your guns we will need lots of plumbing parts looking very benign.


There will always be someone who will find a way around the law or regulations and this will always remain illegal.You will not be able to enforce it because some fool will say let me try that.


Simple - the way it would be regulated in any European country.
In other words: This would be illegal.
And if they catch you with it or find it in your car or when searching your home, you face penalty or jail.

Joerg Level 3 May 22, 2018

The government could easily ban it if they wanted to.

So an apocalypse is on the way. I better learn how to shoot buffalo to make buffalo jerky and practice my aim for when the zombies take over.


Other things are banned. They have trillions of dollars to spend on weapons and hardware that traverses the surface of Mars.

I have no doubt they could effectively ban things if they wanted to.

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