Snapples fact checker is high af
What? I’m high too!
Is this the same guy that said vaginas have a way of shutting out an unwanted rapist?
Your kidding someone really said that?
@MarlaRochelle actually quite a few congressmen and judges have said that
@MarlaRochelle good old america...where men who have never taken an A&P class or even seen a vagina get to make legislation and case decisions about women's bodies
Well.............who didn't know that????
I think someone at Snapple dropped the balls on this one. lol
My question is what balls? I definitely don't want to tangle with those balls. As for the human male scrotum, no. That is OMG stupid of Snapple to have allowed that to be printed, if they did. So I googled.... This has been circulating on the internet since 2013. On September 26, 2017 the "Pee is stored in the balls" Facebook page was created. On October 23rd, Redditor RazorJakeNWO posted a Snapple Facts photoshop with the message "Pee is stored in the balls".
Who would have thunk? My name is Marla I am a pre op MTF Trans soon to be a post op have been transitioning for 3 years now i would be glad to answer questions for you