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Afew days ago I posted a comment that listed a number of items the republicans support that I was aganist. I received a reply that was defensive. I asked that replier to discuss the points one at a time and tell me why they opposed them. To date there have been no replies. This makes several times I have asked the republicans to defend their position withou a reply.I wonder why? They must have a reason.

Marine 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Same reason Christians can't prove there's a god.


It seems they would have stepped up to that. I see numerous posts questioning why they can't reasonable discussions or debates about such things


You're fortunate. They usually begin by questioning ones patriotism.


I'm pretty sure I have heard all their "logic". If you want I can recite it for you.


Because they can't really defend the indefensible..sorry for the cliché..but they thrive on hypocrisy under a crutch of religious ferver.

Exactly what I was going to say! It would upset their cognitive dissonance.


They really liked Trump's tv show.

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