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Afew days ago I posted a comment that listed a number of items the republicans support that I was aganist. I received a reply that was defensive. I asked that replier to discuss the points one at a time and tell me why they opposed them. To date there have been no replies. This makes several times I have asked the republicans to defend their position withou a reply.I wonder why? They must have a reason.

Marine 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Easy, because after explaining our positions multiple times those on the left do not care to listen, and turn around and accuse us of the very things lefty's are guilty of. Personally, I get tired of repeating myself.

I hope you are still around when they ration water and you need to wear a mask to breath. I wonder what all your money will be worth then. For being defenders of the Constitution you sure have forgotten that it calls for the separation io of church and state.Following your platform you do not care about the sick or the low guy on earnings who has no health ins.There are so many area that rep are just greedy I get tired of speaking about it.

@Marine Greed has nothing to do with the equation, self sufficiency is. I do not care what others do, that is up to them to support themselves. Religion is not only pushed by the Republicans, but by many Democrats as well, and a hell of alot of them are just as greedy as any Republican. Do you really think the political left cares about guys like you? I'm sick and tired of busting my can to earn a living only to have the socialists steal it away from me in the form of taxes. Democrats steal more from me and other citizens than the Republicans do. Regarding the first part of your comment, if it comes down to what you described, my money will have been converted into goods and equipment necessary to survive. I won't have a need for money at that point, but will have what I need to get by...I sincerely hope you are as well prepared.

@Marine By the way, socialism (you know the thing you support) goes against the Constitution. Taxpayer money is never supposed to go to social/welfare programs, that is misuse of government funds.

@SpikeTalon If the government hadn't taken 21/2 trillion dollars from the soc sec there would not be a problem with it. Second I have contributed to soc sec my entire working period so it is not tax payer money and the employers that donated took it off their taxes.The Constitution is to provide health and happiness to it's citizens that means health ins that is affordable as Blue Cross Blue Shield used to be.And aid to the poor as not everyone is a genus .The billionaires would never be without the labor of the workers and the latter deserve safe work conditions and a fair wage.If the latter were paid we would mnot hac=ve the huge difference between the wealthy and middle class. The average guy cannot pay for health ins. save for retirement and raise a family on a wager of $20.00 per hour. That went out with Cadillac's costing $10000.If a fair wage was being paid by your republican friends you would n't need to bust your ass. If you are in the class of busting your ass you are not giving much to aid the social mass's. Your one of them!

@Marine The socialist agenda in this country is what keeps people oppressed, the free market gives opportunity. The idea of socialism goes against our Constitution, the only purpose for government is representation of citizen's grievances, not become a charity. Healthcare is not a right, it is a service, and if you don't have the money to pay for said services that is your problem. Social security is a scam, always was. Again, the government has no right to force me to turn over a certain amount of my pay in which to supposedly pay me out later. I can save on my own, I don't need their scams to get by. Just about everything in this country is a by-product of free market capitalism, from the tech gadgets you buy to the clothes on your body, sorry socialism had nothing to do with any of that. Lastly, I contend most human beings are selfish and are primarily concerned about their own survival, it's just that the political correctness in this day and age runs rampant and influences public opinion.

@Marine Safe working conditions and fair wages are another whole story by the way. The topic here was about how supposedly evil capitalism is.


Same reason Christians can't prove there's a god.


It seems they would have stepped up to that. I see numerous posts questioning why they can't reasonable discussions or debates about such things


You're fortunate. They usually begin by questioning ones patriotism.


I'm pretty sure I have heard all their "logic". If you want I can recite it for you.


Because they can't really defend the indefensible..sorry for the cliché..but they thrive on hypocrisy under a crutch of religious ferver.

Exactly what I was going to say! It would upset their cognitive dissonance.


They really liked Trump's tv show.

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