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Why the views?

I'm noticing that I've been getting a SHIT ton of profile views and I can't explain it. So, I've narrowed it down to three things....either I'm a hot motherfucker (especially to guys, it seems), I'm a total wacko who pisses a lot of people off, or the Russians have honed in on me.

Since I'm not one who guesses I know all the answers, I've opened up to a poll.

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Clauddvon 7 May 30

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I’ve never seen you, bruh, and I’m one to avoid doing what everyone else is, so yeah I’ll just move along.

You do you, bruh.


I have no idea WTF you are, and I have no interest in looking at your profile. So, once again, I'm the rebel. LOL

You'll look. Everyone does eventually.


The guy on the right is hunky

He's world champion MMA fighter - Royce Gracie


Oh! Right. (I wasn't expecting a date anyway...)


I've noticed a few other posts similar to this one.
I haven't looked to see how many people have viewed my profile.
There isn't much there to view anyway.
I don't even understand why I should care who has looked.
The whole thing is perplexing.

3 are rather attractive!

You're a looker yourself! 😉


Your profile lists your responses to other posts. ( don't know if it can be disabled)
It's a quick way for someone to see what else you have to say for yourself, if they are so inclined.

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