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National Outcry Forces Sarasota Newspaper to Pull Op-Ed Praising Proud Boys

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL) ran an opinion piece written by Melissa Radovich this past weekend, in which her headline read “Attacking Proud Boys Does a Disservice to Caring School Parents.” She further explained that “When I think about the Proud Boys, I think of fathers, business owners, and veterans.” The op-ed drew so much heavy criticism nationally, that the paper was eventually forced to pull the op-ed. Interestingly, what the paper failed to mention even in their retraction, is that this op-ed piece’s author Melissa Radovich, isn’t just some soccer mom trying to be fair-minded - she’s also married to one of the Proud Boys.

Now, I have to admit when I first read this, I thought “Gee, does Mar-a-Lago have a newspaper?” But then I realized it was actually a Sarasota paper. Now obviously the way Ms. Radovich portrays the Proud Boys is quite controversial for many, but I fully understand what she means. Why, it’s just like saying “I might have been a blood-thirsty, sadistic guard at Auschwitz, but darn it - I’m a father and a husband too!” Or, perhaps “Under those Klan robes, are just a friendly bunch of well-intentioned dads."

With that said, I’d like to clarify a little something Ms. Radovich and MAGAs seem to misunderstand - “folks aren’t mad at neo-Nazis for being good parents.” It isn't their child-rearing that’s at issue. You see, even we libtards understand fascists aren’t busy doing evil 100% of the time, just like Ted Bundy didn’t spend all day, every day - committing homicides. That said, I am always a bit shocked when I read that one of these neo-Nazi thugs is married and raising children. Why, everything else aside, just how “proud” can a Proud Boy be, when you and your entire family - are living all cramped-up down in your mom's basement?
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johnnyrobish 8 July 12
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I wish I could tell this brain dead woman that there is nothing to be “proud” of when you live your life thinking you’re better than others and disparaging those others for the color of their skin!

They don't even recognize their own hate, it is always the 'other's' fault.

@glennlab You’re so right about that Glenn!

@Redheadedgammy I remember my aunt saying if only those damn n***** would get a job, they could get out of poverty, they just need to apply themselves.

@glennlab I too had relatives like that. My father’s mother was a racist bigot and whenever we went to visit her in Alabama I would always cringe when I had to go anywhere with her.

@glennlab Guess that aunt had never heard of or experienced hiring discrimination based on race. Kind of hard to get a job when white people control all the jobs...

Even the lowest form of white trash take pleasure and comfort in feeling they are still better than the best colored person... simply because they're white.

@TomMcGiverin You are so right about those types of people. They know they are ignorant but god damit they are still white is how they see it. 😉

@Redheadedgammy Yup, and to them and their tribe, that's all that matters...

@TomMcGiverin experienced it, hell she enforced and practiced it. When the y were building there house, the contractor hired a black brick mason because he had worked with the type brick they were using. She and her husband fired the contractor and spent almost a month trying to find a replacement.

@glennlab I hope they enjoyed the month of stewing and waiting for a replacement. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face..... As Bugs Bunny would say, " What a maroon!"...


And Stalin raised a family, but that didn't help the 20 million he murdered

glennlab Level 10 July 12, 2022

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