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Why is it that so many humans cannot accept a very simple fact?; that we are as individuals just a collection of bio-chemical components with a shelf life of about 80 years. Then we simply revert to the base elements that were are made of.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Oct 18
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That is what I teach my grandchildren. We come from stardust and ultimately go back to it.

CeliaVL Level 7 Oct 20, 2018

Because thankfully the human mind wants to push its boundaries and look beyond its horizon. Without that it is “just a collection of bio-chemical components”. And because of that the shelf life has increased to 80 years from 40 years in such recent times as the Victorian era.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

@Bobby9 not so with Jews or Buddhists or many indigenous religions. Seems to be unique to Christian and Islamic based ideologies unless you can think of any other


I hear ya, buddy.

Hellas Level 6 Oct 19, 2018

One does not have to believe in a god or gods to hope that there is more to us than just a physical body. I hope that we are aspects of entities and that growth continues after death. But I fully accepted Socrates' response when I was 15 and I'm happy with that.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast. (Alexander Pope)

@Heraclitus Fine but hope for some meaning to our awareness is rational, isn't it? Or does that comment eject me from

@rogerbenham 1. It is certainly understandable. 2. Nope.


Because magic is real.

Razorjelly Level 7 Oct 18, 2018

Because we are biologically wired to believe that our genes are more important than others, so we ascribe a value to our existence above that of others, and other animals.

mdinsmore Level 5 Oct 18, 2018

It might not always be the fact.We have thought so we are.If that thought can be put into another vessel it would change everything.I asked a religious friend why she believed in a god.Her reply it gives her comfort.She is from the state of beaches, churches,golf courses and guns,Florida.The concept chemicals coming together to make humans would drive someone to believe in a god.
They say if you get enough monkeys with type writters

Xanadutoo Level 7 Oct 18, 2018

Because they haven't studied bio-chemistry!


Because so many people find it too depressing to accept. Fantasies are more reassuring.

Heraclitus Level 8 Oct 18, 2018

It is called fear, fear of death and non-existence.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 18, 2018

Most likely because consciousness seems spooky and people feel the urge to explain what they don’t understand with magic, so that there isn’t a huge gap in their understanding. It’s like the blind spot in our eye where the optic nerve leaves the retina: it’s filled in with illusion.

ejbman Level 7 Oct 18, 2018
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