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Archaeologist please form analysis and argument.

Etre 7 July 13
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You really need to ask yourself why you have such trouble believing the pyramids were built by human ancient egyptians. Thats the real weakness in the ancient aliens claim.

KJThomas Level 6 July 15, 2018

Never stated the pyramids were not built by humans. Their exists megaliths all over the world. And if you look at the evidence objectivly, there exist some amazing facts... Why is it so hard to believe that Alien life might exist. I do not know an Astromer who does not believe in the possibility. This is why SETI was created.

I think the egyptian time line is off. I think humans did build the pyramids like the ones in China, Bosnea, South America, Mexico,... they are all related. The Sumerians built the first step pyramids as far as we know. They greatly advanced civilization with giving 100 firsts to humanity, schools, law, writing, math, bricks, beer, ect...

Judaism stems from sumerian cosmology. Humans are the workforce, the labor, but their ingenuity, where did it come from. How is it they were able to build these Great Monoliths all over the world with precission. They did things that we cannot reproduce to this day.

The argument is not about alien vrs human, the argument is how. How did they do it?

There exist major cities under the ocean, with the latest one discovered off India's west coast.

We are still searching for the facts, and we should not discount any valid theories that explain possiblities. Alien pressence on the Earth is a valid theory that is supported as a possibility by many Scientific Fields.

We know Giants have existed. How many people believe in Giants?


Well, the problem is that there is nothing about the pyramid's construction that archeologists see any need to ascribe to anything other than human ingenuity and engineering. There's other logical problems with the ancient aliens hypothesis too. They managed to do all this without leaving a single artifact? And there are all sorts of knowledge they could have imparted that would have left unmistakeable evidence, but they didn't. Basically to buy into the alien hypothesis requires all sorts of confirmation bias and special pleading. If any new evidence ever comes to light, I will gladly examine it when the time comes. Also, as a codicil, ancient aliens is at the core a racist theory. The implication is these brown people couldn't have figured all this out on their own. It's the modern version of the Atlantis theory, which was blatantly racist.

Druvius Level 8 July 14, 2018

Thank you, i have been looking for the other side of the coin. I believe the truth is in the details. There are some enlightening arguments though. Some theories that might prove valid, without the axtraterestrial aspect. The Sumerians built the first step pyramids to my knowledge. The problem is they state humans were created by alien beings....

I keep a middle path and way objectively. Thank you for humoring me, and I hope there was something in the viewing that you learned. I found several details in the matematics that are not talked about, even the alignments. The theories on the spinx i found interesting as well. And I liked the fact that indigenous people weighed in.

Thank You for your time.

@Etre A lot of ancient societies claimed to have been created by sky beings or whatever. Basically claiming they were created by Gods. It's been a tried and true way to rule societies since civilization began. Like how the Incas claimed that Pumapinku was created by the Gods. Perfectly prosaic reason to claim that ... the Incas claimed they were the first people, so ruins that clearly predated Inca civilization needed to be explained away.


I am well versed in antiquity. I am a student of history. My studies are predominately in the fine Arts, which led me to languages and linguistics. I have a really good understanding of the timeline and I am well versed in esoteric soceities.

I find the measurements of the pyramid of great importance, its location, its geodedic alignments, ect..

The fact that China has pyramids, South America, North America, Bosnea.... give me a second at a benefit.


Where as I,...there is definately more than than history has told us. History is covered up, maybe not so much now, buy most definately in the past. The fact that the sumerian civilization is not taught in schools astounds me. But this is because the Hebrews took many of the sumerian creation stories and created their own cosmology.

I mean the Judaic/Christian/Islamic faith is to far into motion to start explaining to people were the stories in Genesis come from. And this is exactly why artifacts were hidden ir destroyed in the US. If you start messing with the socially excepted historical perspective, people would have suffed a mental break down..... not so much now, but the program is still running...

And we kind of have the Egyptians/Kemetians to thank. The Egyptians were masters at mass manipulation of citizenry. Not to mention the creation of the mystery schools.

In fact the renaissance has Cosimo Medici and his search for the Hermetica.... hold on... benefit


Where was I, oh yes the hermetica..... hmmm... that is a delicate subject, now we are getting into esotericism... I do not think many know about the Medici. Anyway.... Secret Soceities is where I find the most interesting existentialism. And we have the Egyptians in large part to thank.

However we have been discussing Architechture. The Great Builders... but we do know the similarities that span the globe in the construction of monoliths.

I might see if you have ever completed research on Coral Castle in Florida I believe. See what you think.


No discussion... has any person viewed?? Were are these Great Scientific minds to quel the Argument??

Form Analysis!

Codemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance. ~ Albert Einstien 160IQ

Etre Level 7 July 14, 2018

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