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"Recontructing Denisovan Anatomy Using DNA Methylation Maps .............................................................................................................

Denisovans are an extinct group of humans whose morphology remains unknown. Here, we present a method for reconstructing skeletal morphology using DNA methylation patterns. Our method is based on linking unidirectional methylation changes to loss-of-function phenotypes. We tested performance by reconstructing Neanderthal and chimpanzee skeletal morphologies and obtained >85% precision in identifying divergent traits. We then applied this method to the Denisovan and offer a putative morphological profile. We suggest that Denisovans likely shared with Neanderthals traits such as an elongated face and a wide pelvis. We also identify Denisovan-derived changes, such as an increased dental arch and lateral cranial expansion. Our predictions match the only morphologically informative Denisovan bone to date, as well as the Xuchang skull, which was suggested by some to be a Denisovan. We conclude that DNA methylation can be used to reconstruct anatomical features, including some that do not survive in the fossil record.
Very little is known about the anatomy of Denisovans. The first specimen, Denisova 3, comprises a manual phalanx found in the Denisova cave in Siberia, dated between 74 and 82 thousand years ago. DNA extracted from this bone indicated that this individual belonged to a sister group of Neanderthals, thereafter called Denisovans. These two groups separated 390–440 thousand years ago, and their ancestors split from our lineage between 520 and 630 thousand years ago, though these datings are still under debate. Based on this genome, Denisovan ancestry of up to 6% was detected in present-day Melanesians and Aboriginal Australians and to a lesser level in East Asians, Native Americans, and Polynesians. Some introgressed Denisovan haplotypes might have conferred modern humans an adaptive advantage in high-altitude and cold climates."
Note😘 There is much more to this peer-reviewed article, including many great skeletal diagrams. []
Image Of A Denisovan Girl
"This image is based on reconstructed skeletal features of a Denisovan girl, who lived in what’s now Siberia around 50,000 years ago." (A different article containing this image was posted on recently.)" [] .... 2nd and 3rd Images:
Personal Note😘
(Since I live in Hawaii, I'm often curious about Polynesians' ancient ancestry. I read several scholarly articles, among them the article posted here, and I learned more information from each article.)


Question: How much have you wondered what the ancient ancestry of various groups of modern humans from around the world is?

AnonySchmoose 8 Sep 20
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I wonder whether we have any of their DNA?

MojoDave Level 9 Sep 21, 2019

I don't know really. I guess it would depend on where your recent ancestors originated (ex. some from Siberia, some from Europe). Getting a DNA test for that probably would be prohibitively expensive, that is, if one could even get one at all.

@AnonySchmoose's found in Aboriginal and East Asian lineages..


Closely related to us so they look like us

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 20, 2019

I have always thought we are a conglomeration of our archaic ancestors..if you look at the potential portrait of the Denisovan girl, ask yourself how many people have you seen with similar features or Neanderthal features?..we Are them..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 20, 2019

Look kind of Phillipino ?

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 20, 2019

Looks like that to me also.
The sculpture looks more like Papua New Guineans to me.
Then again, I'm certainly no expert.

@AnonySchmoose certainly Aboriginal..

@Charlene All were close continental connections before the great drift.

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