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This is very interesting. First viewed this a few years back. I hope several of you will take the time to look at the artifacts and listen to the presentation.

Etre 7 July 15
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Too much speculative based on too many far-reaching assumptions for me.
Ancient pyramids that were really power plants, really?

Heraclitus Level 8 July 16, 2018

Its just a theory, there exists other aspects that are plausable. The stone cutting with bronze tools, the perfect fat surfaces...

Egypt is a Greek Term
So is Pyramid... something about fire burning in the center of pyramids... there is a vid that breaks down the linguistics....

Yes one theory is the pyramids were used as machines so to speak..... not all pyramids just certain ones. No mummy was ever found in a pyramid.

There is a massive tunnel system under the pyramids....

Before we go further please look at Coral Castle doc.

@Etre Do you mean Secrets of Coral Castle, with Leonard Nimoy - Telekinesis and Anti-gravity? BTW, I have visited Coral Castle in Florida.


Telekinesis is not the theory ... i learned ... but yeah is it true , i know it exist. Did the guy build it by hiself,? Never been there, but the theory was soun vibration to levitate, which is something modern science is doing.

I have never met someone who has been there. Enlighten me.

@Etre It was very impressive when you consider that one guy built the whole thing by himself, allegedly, but it took him something like 30-35 years. According to the tour guide, he moved some blocks himself, but most of it was carved in place out of the existing coral stone. Have you ever handled coral stone? It is surprisingly light both because of the air that is in it and because coral is made of calcium carbonate which is light.
The guide never claimed any special technology was used. The ability to move very heavy stone blocks using a strong tripod, pulleys, levers, ramps, rollers, and large wooden cranes is not surprising, just difficult to do if you don't know what you are doing. He did.
BTW, how do you think they built the massive stone castles and cathedrals in Europe centuries ago? And they usually did it in the middle of cities in broad daylight in front of everyone. Personally, I don't believe it was done by levitation.


I see where you are going. I did not know the details, i did not think all the blocks were coral though I should have.


Interesting. He jumped around a lot, Look at this! Now look at that! So I had a hard time finding out what he wanted to get across. BUT, It does raise questions, and I do love that! Unless you were there and lived it. All you can do is give good guesses.

Hathacat Level 9 July 16, 2018



I did try and give this an open-minded listen, but only made it for about 10-15 minutes. Unfortunately, this presentation seems to be another example of pseudo-scientific, sensationalist "archaeology".

timechef Level 4 July 16, 2018

If you go longer it gets into building technique and structure. Inca building style as compared to the more sophisticated older blocks that apear to be built upon. I understand skepticism, nothing wrong with that at all, I do feal there exist some valid theory here. I will admit that I am not an archeologist by any means, not my field. So I totally respect your opinion. That is why I am posting. I am a student of history and that is where my intrest is to be found. You know, the theory of everything, we all have it.

Did you get to the part where he is talking about the fractions of a inch on surface plane that is flush. The 90° angles on some of those blocks that are like perfect. It has to pose questions in a scholars mind. He is spot on with tools vrs mohs scale. How was that accomplished?

@Etre Why should it be so hard to believe that the ancients were able to construct near perfect 90 angles? Nothing special about that. They may not have had electric power tools, but they certainly had plenty of manual tools and highly trained craftsmen. They had plenty of time and patience to grind, sand, and polish angles and match it to a square tool.


I am not saying they didnt. I am equanimical(evenminded), they had bronze tools with a hardness of 3.5, granite is 8, diamond is 10. They have acute perfectness, and boar holes. Giant Monoliths. They constructed things that we cannot construct to this day. I am not saying aliens, i do not know what to think conventional wisdom does not apply. Look at the totality of the argument, not the face value. Some pieces to puzzle missing..... some of it is found in the language.

@Etre What is it they constructed that we could not construct today, keeping in mind that the fact that we haven't doesn't mean that we couldn't if we wanted to?

@Heraclitus .

Lets reconstruct the pyramids at Giza. With its alignments and measurments. Lets cimb those mountains, haul the bocks up mountains and build cities. Do you understand how difficult it is. They did it with stone age tools. Precision. Pie Mathematics, The Golden Mean. Have you studied the mathematics found in the Great Pyramid. There is pyramids all over the globe. There exist something more than what we were taught.

There exists a higher intelligence at work here.

The Egyptians king list goes back 25k. The Sumerian kings list goes back 450 if I am correct, it might be have that.

Modern human goes back to 250 now, from 135 or so a few years ago.

The mayan calendar is the most correct calender on Earth, to planetary time. The myans correctly guessed the age of the univers at 15 billion, well we say 13.8, but who is counting....

I can find the data on the structures, it will take a few. How much can our modern cranes lift? 18 tons.



Some blocks in the Great Pyramid weigh 70 tons.
That would take 5 modern cranes to move one block.


@Etre Yes, I have seen videos on the very precise mathematics used in the Great Pyramids and yes it is quite impressive, but I have seen any mathematics used then that isn't known today and couldn't be duplicated. As for cranes, they didn't use just cranes to build the pyramids then, and we wouldn't use just cranes to build the pyramids today assuming that we wanted to build them in the same manner the ancient Egyptians did.



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