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I am posting this in support of my last post. This is related to Archaeology in the sense that it shows how information is kept from the common consciousnes. The information contained in this vid has been known for sometime. I have personally known for over 15 years, i am 43.

Those of you who are members on this site value truth, as I hold truth to its highest degree in all states of being a conscious human. We live in society of hierarchy, wether we know the system of class is present or not. The last University I attended, had an unknown library that was well guarded. Only certain students were allowed in. 99.99% on the Campus knew nothing of it. It is not about what you know, but rather what it is that you do not.

Without knowing the past, the present will not be understood, and if one understands not the present, one shall not see the future.

Etre 7 Aug 8
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I read about this a long time ago. I think the Vatican should scan everything onto the internet.

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 8, 2018

That would be wonderful!


While I am not into grand conspiracies I do think that much of the information that conflicts with accepted theories is buried or filed as anomalies but that has more to do with self interest than with grand schemes to hide the truth. Academics are willing to block out or dismiss a lot of information if it means their tenure is put at risk or your thesis paper is suddenly shown to be toilet paper. Many discoveries that show flaws in accepted academic thought are crushed this way, dogma isn't only found in religion.

It has much to do with christianity. If the artifacts, books, achaeological sites, anthropological finds, ect did not fit the paradigm they would alter the info or cover it up. This very thing happened to an archaeologist in the 80's I believe. Her work showed modern humans being in America at a time that challenged the excepted chronology. She published anyway. She was shunned and lost her job. What she discovered some 30 years ago is currently being excepted.

Giant skeletons is another find we cound spend some time talking about. The Smithsonian covered several sites up and took possession of the remains.


gack. I am happy to listen to all the interesting things they like to discuss until they start with their cypherin' to tie things together. The eye of horus, the eye of rah, the eye of osiris ... so many eyes ... it MUST mean something!! yeah, It means people are interested in eyes. duh. sometimes you must suppress this urge to find a patterns everywhere. sometimes a confluence is just a confluence. nothing more unless you find ways to twist reality into some new meaning.

Truth you speak.


I'm looking forward to watching this. I've known of this for some time...discussed at University in the course of my Art History degree. Thank you for posting this. And other videos that challenge what we think we know~

I like the way you think.

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