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Archaeologists Unearth 14,000 Year Old Hidden Treasure

Together with students from the University of Victoria, the archaeologists worked hard to excavate layers of earth from the dig site. First they shoveled through the ground, then they uncovered a bed of peat. Finally, eight feet down, they hit deposits of fossil soil.

There, in the chilly muck of the pit, they made a startling discovery. Buried beneath the soil were the remains of a hearth, with burned pieces of charcoal. Finding this ancient oven, let alone anything, went against the grain of all historical knowledge up until then. How was it possible, and what could it possibly mean?

Read the whole story here:

Aivery 7 Aug 13
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MissaDixon Level 7 Aug 13, 2018

Quite interesting. Oral tradition being proven out several millennia downstream. I have to wonder, though, why does this give these people claim to the territory? Populations of humans came and went for hundreds of thousands of years, and in this case there did not seem to be continuous habitation on the island after the 1st tsunami, some 8-9 thousand years ago.

Condor5 Level 8 Aug 13, 2018

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