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So I was thinking we could play a little game that I did in my intro to archaeology class. It's kinda fun.

Post a picture of an object around your house. It can be anything. Then everyone pretends they are an archaeologist 2000 years in the future. Modern Society has been burried and the archaeologists are trying to figure out who we were and what our lives we're like. Reply to pictures as the archaeologist from 3018 making assumptions as to what an object is and what it was used for.
Remember, you know nothing about the 21st century.

Aivery 7 Sep 23
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fredotron Level 4 Sep 23, 2018

Aivery remember the article Nacirema?

t1nick Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

@Aivery it used be a standard in intro to Anthropology. It interpreted American culture from the perspective of a future archaeologist. Its out dated now. Its American spelled backwards.

I remember that article! I always thought that would be a clever approach for a whole book about those wacky Nacerimans.

@KissedbySun i remember. Its definitely outdated for todays society, but a fun read nevertheless


About 12” tall. The upright arm “waves” ....has place in the bottom for small cylinder shaped objects....

Pretend cats are long extinct.....

@Bierbasstard LOL that sounds awful.
What if cats are extinct?

The golden cat! Worshiped far and wide. Waving to show us this more unusual type of box it desires to sit in.


Small metal object

Lyndie Level 4 Sep 23, 2018

Jewellery perhaps, doesn't suggest expert craftsmanship or high status

With the "School to Prison" system in full swing in the early 21 century, these 'foldable shivs' were a training device to educate future inmates on how to smuggle and modify simple objects into weopons.

It is a small religious symbol related to the "MacGyver" cult.


Props to the first person to post a pic of a sex toy 😀

Jnei Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Five foot ten or so.

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

@Bierbasstard He is in my Gallery, brought in by another shop owner who thought he belonged here, lol. Which of course he does! I think he would confuse anyone digging him up!

@Bierbasstard He is 1286.00 because we don't know who made him and he has a few condition issues. If we knew the name and he was in perfect shape, he would be over 5000.00 for sure.

@Bierbasstard Yes you should!

@Bierbasstard Use good glue. That is his issue!

@Bierbasstard Mannikins are not that hard to find nowadays....

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