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A little early, I know, but I thought this was interesting. The history on Dear Santa letters.


Aivery 7 Oct 3
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My dad was a policeman and lied to me.He helped me write the letters, then put them on the fire, they went straight up the chimney. Don't remember any chimney fires.I was 11 years old when I found out.My dads a policeman he doesn't lie I told the other kids. That was about the same time I stopped believing in god.I lived next door to the vicarage and went to church three times on Sunday.
Our post office does this . Letters to Santa
If you’re writing a letter to Santa this Christmas, here are three things that are Good to Know.

  1. Santa has an official address

You can make sure your letter gets to Father Christmas by using the official Santa address:

Santa/Father Christmas
Santa's Grotto

  1. The last posting date is 8th December

Get your card in the post to Santa by Friday 8th December 2017.

You can find a full list of the other last posting dates for Christmas here.

  1. You’ll need a stamp

You must remember to stick a stamp on your letter or it won’t get to Santa.

Father Christmas is very busy at this time of year so he can’t guarantee that he’ll send a reply, but he’ll do his best if you include your full name and address.

Christmas stamps are available to buy in branch or online opens in new window.

Merry Christmas!

Xanadutoo Level 7 Oct 3, 2018

I've been torn, but decided it doesn't hurt to let kids have magic. Up to an appropriate age.

Umbral Level 8 Oct 3, 2018

I let my son believe until he asked. Then I said Santa Clause represented the feeling of Christmas. The happiness and joy. He was fine with that.

@Hathacat Ooooo good one.

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