6 1

I think about this all the time. What benefits could I bring to an old civilization, like the Romans? Something that would make me valuable to them. I only have two things I could think of. I could run a school for kids. Teach them about places value. But in a few months those with mathematical minds would overtake my knowledge of math. I could tell them to wash their hands, but i don't know how to make soap. Besides, that just a bit of information. The only thing i can think of would to be a playwright. I'd just rip off TV shows and movies. How could you be of value?

Count_Viceroy 7 Oct 14
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Build a steam engine and boiler, make gun powder, make strong acids and with them chemical fertilizer, bring modern farming technologies, the magnetic compass, how to make steel, hot air bolos, gliders, electrical generation, electric motors, batteries, etc. I could with the knowledge in my brain rewrite history or be burned as a witch.


Maybe help with child birth. I have picked up a few things over the years. Dental stuff.

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 15, 2018

I think teaching them about germs and hygiene and that rats and mosquitoes carry disease ( plague) would be helpful even if you couldn’t make the necessary medicines. Probably just telling people that these things were possible would be enough to get the ball rolling. I know the first anti biotic was found in bread mold and I know that insulin can be excreted by the pancreas. I have all kinds of knowledge that will get me burned at the stake as a heretic or witch!

Lyndie Level 4 Oct 14, 2018

Exactly. You have to be believed. That's why I think I would get sold in to slavery. I have in knowledge, but no way to prove it or to make it happen


Well I think gun powder could be very useful and I know how to make that, perhaps I could only show them the useful parts that didn't involve guns. (charcoal, potassium nitrate and sulfur for the curious but it's getting the ratios that is important)

Surfpirate Level 9 Oct 14, 2018

I'm an executive chef --for over 3 decades now.
I would offer advanced food preservation techniques as well as cooking innovations and sanitation knowledge.
I also know how to make soap. 🙂
...and I'm a master gardener and can make beer, wine, and kombucha.

They would love me.

Could you get the stuff? Like the lye? I know about lye, but wouldn't know how to get it or make it.

@weelittleone Yes, lye is made from the ashes of hardwoods. Of course I would use vegetable oils in soap making and NOT animal fat.

@SkotlandSkye of course. They didn't have much to work with in food. No tomatoes, potatoes, cane sugar, so much more. Just sardines and olives


Herbology - various herbs , were the forerunner of today's pharmacuitical medications . Asprin , for instance comes from the underbark of the white willow tree , a heart medication, digitalis , comes from the foxglove flowers , valerine , econazia , and multiple others have known benefits to the human body .

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 14, 2018

Could you make it happen? Could you distill the ingredients to make the medicine?

In many instances , a simple tea is all it requires . Was just reading this morning , on here , about lemon grass tea . The woman had divided a large clump of lemon grass into multiple plants , and when I asked her about the tea , she told me she drank a cup every morning . Among other things, she replied , it also helps with digestion .

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