7 10

I have no idea where this image is from and as a result can supply no further information, but it's too good not to be shared here - the skeleton of a Saxon woman in her grave with an electricity cable bored straight through her!

Jnei 8 Oct 23
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Wow, that makes you wonder what other things get drilled through when they're putting cable and smaller bore piping in.

Umbral Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

It does, doesn't it? These mini-boring machines have been widely used in the UK over the last couple of decades to put cable TV and internet into villages, many of which have histories stretching back to pre-Norman times and even pre-Roman - some types can, apparently, bore through rocks, so they may have been through millions of artifacts!


Gives a whole new meaning to the term "human-powered."

Condor5 Level 8 Oct 24, 2018

Wow, they were advanced! Too bad we can't say the same.


Proof that ancient civilizations were far more advanced than previously thought! LOL

Rob1948 Level 7 Oct 23, 2018


t1nick Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

What an awful way to die



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