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Krampus, also known as the Christmas Devil and the Christmas Demon, is a demonic accomplice of Saint Nicholas/Santa Claus who appears in various legends within most European countries, most notably Austria and Hungary. He was used as a scare them straight figure that would be used by children's parents as a means to frightening them into obeying them lest they become the next victims of Krampus.

In Germany, there is a day called "Krampushaeht", or "Krampus Night", that would be celebrated on December 5, ironically on the same day as St. Nicholas Day. Nowadays, there are festivals and parades thrown for the Krampus, and many people dress up like him within most Alpine towns in events such as as the Krampuslauf (translated in English as "Krampus Run" ).

Aivery 7 Dec 5
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In the older (darker) tellings, the children Krampus takes away in his basket are never seen again - some say he eats them, others that he drowns them or carries them off to hell.

Perchta is a similar, female, character. Probably originally a pre-Christian Alpine goddess, in later folklore she became a sort of witch who served the same purpose as Krampus - traumatising small children so they'd behave themselves. If children have been very good and worked hard all year, Perchta might leave them a coin; if they had not she would slice them open, rip out their intestines and stuff them full of stones and straw. I think this really ought to be made into a Disney cartoon - the parental advisory notes would be worthwhile alone.

Jnei Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

It's nice to know that kids have been pains in the asses for parents for centuries.

Anonbene Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

An ancient tradition but we have to remember not to take it too far, just a lump of coal or some chicken guts in the stocking are adequate these days. 😉


Thanks for the history lesson.. Really interesting...

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