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Why is it hard to prove whether or not the homo erectus theory for China is valid? Are the Chinese just not cooperative? I mean ... mitochondrial DNA genomes should be able to tell is if someone has a super archaic ancestor because they will be genetically closer to homo habillis than anyone who evolved from homo heidelbergensis (homo sapiens, neandertals, or denisovans). This should be relatively easy to determine with some group DNA testing. Am I missing something?

JeffMesser 8 Dec 30
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I think hypothesis stage rather than theory

point taken. it's kind of weird because I see some state it as fact and others won't even consider it.


Maybe because it’s difficult to extract usable DNA in really old specimens and those specimens that are available are themselves not common.

Rob1948 Level 7 Dec 30, 2018

Did Homo Erectus develop the first viagra?

Krish55 Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

That would explain the rise of man…


Well it sounds easy when you put it like that

exactly ... so shouldnt the "theory" already be confirmed or denied?

@kauva maybe it's because it's still at the theory stage with no actual proof

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