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Looking for someone who can help me with gathering ancient texts that include the earliest usages of the term Anti-Christ as a derogatory term used for Christ-Mythicists (People who proclaim that Jesus is fictional) in the process of persecution. I've heard that the term was used when burning them at the stake and the Bible contains a remnant of this mentality in first John and second John when it describes what an Anti-christ is (in fact these passages are the only ones in the bible that even use the term Anti-christ. Unfortunately one of my leads ended up a dead end thanks to the ransacking and destruction of historically significant documents that were held in St Irenaeus' tomb that essentially made up his version of the Bible (The significance is concerning the fact that St Irenaeus is the originator of the "Christian fanfiction" that related the term anti-Christ to a figure related to "The end of days", in other words Anti-christ as an individual who will come to wreak havoc during the end of days isn't actually cannon to Christian mythology but an invention of St Irenaeus or possibly even a mentor he had).

Secular_Squirrel 7 Jan 10
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All I know, or think I know, is that the earliest use of the term is in, of course, the Bible. It says there that the antichrist is both coming and has already come. The description of the antichrist is 'anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus came in the flesh'. The timeline for events has extended 2000 years by now, but I sincerely believe that the end days were to come with a generation of Jesus' death so the last days were imminent. I haven't added the relevant scriptures because I'm pretty sure you know them already but if you want me to do some research on the scriptural sources in general, I will do my best.

brentan Level 8 Jan 10, 2019

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