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Just curious... archaeology and anthropology, along with cosmology and geology, are the big guns against creationism. I'm surprised there's not more traffic on this group...

andygee 7 May 20
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I think most people are a little shy about revealing their ignorance about these sciences, unlike me. 🙂)

Omynogod Level 3 June 3, 2018

My favorite is the Creationist explanation for the fossil record. All of the animals in the fossil record existed before the flood. Some however could climb or swim better than others. So as the flood waters rose, the drowned animals were sorted into the layers we see in the fossil record today. I'd say you can't make this shit up, but someone did.

Druvius Level 8 May 20, 2018

Of course, this is contrary to scripture. A breeding pair (seven breeding pairs for kosher animals) of every species was on the ark, and after they disembarked, EVERY living thing was part of the Covenant of God. For this model to work, there MUST be fossil evidence of dinosaurs contemporaneous with people. I am so glad I get to put by bible education to work.

My especial favorite is the explanation that fossils - which were originally thought by Victorian curates (who were often amongst the keenest of fossil hunters) to be the remains an extinct race of antediluvian giants - were all hidden in the earth by none other than the Devil himself, the better to confuse good Christian folk.

Wow. I'm glad you were able to escape and find the real world 🙂

I'm with you most of the way, but the medieval Catholic church devised its own distinctly self-serving terrorist confections (I use the word in the sense of solely intended to engender terror, in this case among a population largely illiterate, dependent on the priesthood for any and all information about the world beyond their ken, and believing in a very real and literal Hell) - the horned, baby-devouring Devil for one - to terrify formerly pagan folk into literally bowing down before it.


I’m not really interested in these subjects because of creationism - it’s so obviously fake and silly I never really needed much science to debunk creationism.

I just live archeology for its own sake, for whatvit tells us about ourselves.

SinMissing Level 5 May 20, 2018

It's not for you, it's for the kid who winds up in some xian cult!

Sure, I’m not saying it’s not viral and useful, I’m just saying that’s not personally relevant to me, or why I’m here specifically. I don’t like to talk to fundys so I dint get into those debates IRL. .

My child & I do read a bit on what the religious believe and she enjoys applying her knowledge of science, history, and archeology to debunking their hilarious claims. She gets a kick out of explaining that there are recipes for beer on cuneiform tablets that are older than some religious believe is the age of the universe. She did some math problems trying to craft a scenario for how panda bears could have gotten from China to Noah’s ark, how big of a cart they would have needed to carry all the bamboo they would need to eat to walk that far, etc.

I’m not intending to dismiss the utility or fun of debunking Creationist nonsense. Sorry if I gave that impression.

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Posted by qpr81there's a small island in front of the temple site and they found artifacts even there.

Posted by qpr81the hole in this image -according to the guide- was a window to let the sun rays hit a certain spot announcing the summer/winter etc.

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Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

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