Awkward Non-theist Situations

This group is about how atheist, agnostic and non-theist people are entwined and highly interactive with theistic organizations. Do you tell them? Do you confront them? How do you survive day to day?

If you just have occasional scrapes and interactions with highly theist .. Read more

This group is about how atheist, agnostic and non-theist people are entwined and highly interactive with theistic organizations. Do you tell them? Do you confront them? How do you survive day to day?

If you just have occasional scrapes and interactions with highly theist .. Read more

Most Liked Posts By CK-One (6) Posts by members only

Shared from Politics
Jun 18, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by CK-One
Hobby Lobby anyone?
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jan 4, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Zoohome
Oh today I had one of those moments. I am usually pretty good at keeping myself quiet about what I really think when the lord/jesus talk starts at work. But today I almost lost it. Early morning, at a farm, I am responsible for spraying salmonella ...
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Oct 1, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Willreef
I've studies and prepared for the past 6 weeks, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to pass an exam. Today I passed it, then a co-worker says well I was praying for you. Just thought I'd share with you all... What are some gems you've heard from friends, ...
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jun 20, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by kattastrophe
My mom was very upset with me when she found out I was not christian like she was. She tried taking me to church a couple times growing up but I always had giggle fits and couldn't sit still. Anyway, one day she just randomly called me to her room ...
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jul 21, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Untamedshrew
I'm a Social Worker in a homeless program, so often outreach to church sponsored shelters and other helping programs. I'm often blessed for my good deeds and have a strong urge to yell "I'm a heathen; I do good because it's the right thing, not to ...
1 comment
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Feb 6, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Zoohome
And there I go again!!! Same little fella preaching his annoyance to me and my team. I have a very Christian group, one of my favorite employees is a preacher himself, but he is a sweetheart and not loud about religion (just the praise the lord and ...
1 comment
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jun 19, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by mek7730
OK, so I live in Texas and people here take religion pretty seriously. Anyway, when I was around 19 or 20, my friends and I were driving around the next town over. We knew people there too and we bumped into this friend ours that was stranded in a...
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jul 14, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LiberalinKS
I am a Girl Scout leader for my 6 year olds' Daisy Troop (i know...i know). I skip reciting the part of the GS law that for some reason invokes God ?
1 comment
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Sep 1, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by KateZilla
Hi gang. I currently work for a Jewish Community Center and before that at YMCA. In my experience the Jewish people are much better to work with and for and are more tolerating of my Agnostic and LGBT ways. Several have told me they are Jewish by ...
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Shared from Religion & Spirituality
Sep 15, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by CK-One
Hello awkward agnosticators! Just a little light note of awkwardness. Every morning just about the time I get to work there's a prayer over the loudspeaker. I hate it. It always sucks. There's never anything redeeming about it. 9/10 times it is so ...
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by CK-One
I'm not a minority in the general public but I am a minority at work. I am mostly open about my heathenism (atheist, nothing too kinky ?) but I work in a catholic organization. Sometimes the crazy shit I hear is enough to make my head explode. ...
1 comment
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Jul 14, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by CK-One
For the most part, I've been lucky. My friends and family are not very religious at all. If they are religious they don't force it on you, except my sister. My sister posts some bat shiz crazy stuff. "Thank Jesus it's Friday. Pray for Jesus!" and a ...
Shared from Silly, Random & Fun
Sep 1, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by CK-One
So I work in a catholic organization. Today I got a very interesting phishing email to my work address. Interesting because it was hilarious to me. It claimed that I was given credit in a video. The screenshot looked like it was pornographic content....
Awkward Non-theist Situations
Sep 7, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by PontifexMarximus
As a teenager I ended up being a leader of a catholic Youth Group ...until the local padre found out ...
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Awkward Non-theist Situations
Dec 23, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by CK-One
I work for a catholic hospital system that is merging with several non-catholic smaller hospitals. It is interesting how some people see the catholic side as exciting and good but still others fear it. I've seen some people who are wanting to jump ...
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