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This is also in my profile - but I wanted to share with a welcoming crowd ... This gal was oh so mellow, and allowed me to come respectfully close for a shot - never moved.
Love 'em - those with venom included.

evergreen 8 June 27
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thanks for the share - i too love snakes - out in the wild 🙂


what kind is this?

btroje Level 9 June 27, 2018

a water moccasin, or cottonmouth

@evergreen I thought so. You always read about how they want to chase you down

@btroje well - I was within 2ft of this baby, and she never flinched. I moved v-e-r-y slowly !

@evergreen yeah I was saying they must not be always aggressive as described

@btroje I've worked with animals most of my life in one capacity or another - just like people, it's best to treat each one as an individual. Also note that all too often, animal aggression is brought on by poorly behaving, disrespectful humans ! I've often had the distinct feeling that I avoided injury while interacting, because an animal sensed I liked it a lot ! ha ....

@evergreen I had three experiences like that. Once I was by the river seeing what damage a flash flood had done. Something made me think "it is bearish right now" and I looked up and saw a 400 lb black bear coming through the fence about 30 feet away. I just stood there. THere was nothing I could really do since I walked back there. He ran past me looking at me the whole time and just went away.
Another time a rattler was about 3 inches away from my hand while I was cleaning a pond. It did nothing and we moved it.
Lastly, I was new to Alabama. I saw a flat turtle laying in the middle of asphalt on a very hot day. I thought it would only be cooked. At first, I thought it was dead. I picked it up and was looking straight into its shell and it looked back at me. I took it home and put it in a baby pool with tepid water to cool it down, THen it extended its neck HAHAHAHAHAH I realized the mercy it had on me. It could have totally bitten off my nose .SOft shell snapper.

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