Look at this... Sphecius Speciocis, cicada hawk... This one was flying with her baby food, got grounded by high winds in the yard, and after climbing partway up the tree, left her paralyzed baby food for me to euthanize... Incoming storm ruined her plans, I guess.
Nature can be so ugly, and gorgeous, at the same time.
Interesting, not sure I understand what is happening, but interesting, and beautiful.
The cicada hawk stings a cicada, paralyzes it (but doesn't kill it) and then hides it in a hole, where it says an egg on it... Then, the baby eats the cicada alive while it pupates. It's actually kinda ugly; doesn't work out well for the cicada... Fascinating, though, all the same.
@Insectra Thoughts., as always I learn something interesting. I am really enjoying your interest in insects. Before you and this sit bugs were just bugs, now they are interesting creatures who do interesting things. Kind of bad that the food source is alive when it is eaten, but if one thinks about it would you want to eat something old, rotting and really gross. It is a process that works.
@Insectra Are you still on vacation? If your back we want pictures. I used to live in Montana, moved all over the state with parents, school, and work.
Posted by dalefvictorThis is a picture of Tigger, he has been sick for a while.
Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.
Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.
Posted by ZsterMy first Monarch since moving here! I started a butterfly garden two years ago, specifically targeting monarchs and swallowtails.
Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).
Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).
Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).
Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.
Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.
Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.
Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.
Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.
Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.
Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.
Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.
Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.