4 10

Tonight I found this in a convenience store parking lot and relocated him to an abandoned and overgrown brickyard. All I got for my trouble: a bloody bite mark on my index finger. This picture was taken after I calmed the terrified snake a bit. Hopefully, it wasn't too traumatized.

JimG 8 Sep 13
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Thank you to this line of posts. I am afraid of snakes and would want to help get any creature out of harm's way.


The snake and I thank you for taking the time to move it !

evergreen Level 8 Sep 14, 2018

You're welcome.


You're a better man than I.

Nah, it's familiarity. I know that they really are harmless, and that he was in a very bad place to be a snake.

@JimG I would have moved him as well, but not being that familiar with snakes, I probably would have used a stick or cardboard. 🙂

@AstralSmoke I relocate any I find in a dangerous location. I use a snake hook to pin the venomous ones before I pick them up, and never hold them like the one in the picture. A bite from this one isn't as bad as brushing against a blackberry bush.

@JimG I guess I need to learn more about snakes ... and a million other things!


I wouldn't worry about traumatizing it too much. My stance with wild animals is that it's ok "traumatize" them some, so long as it isn't from harming them. It helps to teach them to avoid human contact. I don't mind when a, obviously non venomous, snake bites me. They usually only do it once and hopefully they learn that that isn't an effective defense. When I am walking down the street and find a toad and they puff up, I handle them and move them around in hopes some learn that defense isn't working on people and better to just hop away.

So I say good job. ?

You have a good point. Fear of humans is good for most animals.

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