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Bath time for Akasha, AGAIN!!!! This has been a tough shedding issue, which I had never had with her in the almost 5 years I've had her (unusually bad winter conditions). I decided she's way too big for the tupperware tote so I went full bathtub with her. As a low humidity, dry ground boa, she hates baths so even a 15 minutes soak was a challenge. When she decided to go on strike and puff up and ball up into a pretzel, that was it (actually it was easier to transport her back to her enclosure in pretzel form). I did measure her. She's 6' 11", which is over the average of 5-6 ft (some have been known to get to 9-10 ft).

graceylou 8 Apr 4
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😲 do you have a lot of these things.... snakes?

MrLink Level 8 May 20, 2019

I only have one Dumeril’s boa. But I have a total of 16 snakes.

@graceylou 😶 ok. Why? Hahaha. I admit, snakes make me ... uneasy.

@MrLink Why not? I like snakes better than I like people. Heck, I like cockroaches better than I like people.

@graceylou all things being equal, I'd just rather pet a kitten.

@MrLink This is a group for people who like the more misunderstood much maligned creatures. We like snakes, lizards, insects, arachnids, etc. Why are you even commenting here? BTW, I have 15 cats. And 4 dogs. And 2 horses. And 3 guinea pigs. And 5 chinchillas. In addition to my reptiles and tarantulas.

@graceylou I'm not criticizing you. I'm just talking about me and snakes.

@MrLink I’m not expecting anyone in this group to be having issues with the critters people post. If you have issues with snakes then may be you shouldn’t be hanging around in this group. The critters posted here are not for everyone. That’s why we have this group.

@graceylou ok


Yikes! Sounds worriesome... I hate tough shed winters.

Zster Level 8 Apr 7, 2019

Yeah. I've had snakes for 12 years and this was probably the worst winter for them. Even my Brazilian rainbows in their humid tanks with heated water tubs have had rough sheds!!! We've had winter conditions since September of last year and we are just now warming up.

@graceylou My problem shedder is working up to a molt right now. Our winter (nonexistant) averaged with yours likely equals typical.

@Zster My worst shedder would have to be my Madagascar Giant Day Gecko, Gumby. After some awful sheds, she's just had a pretty decent one recently (a couple of spots of stuck skin). Unless it's covering her eyes, ear holes, toes, or tail end, I don't worry so much about getting everything off. It's almost impossible as her skin is so fragile, feels like chiffon fabric. Snakes are so much easier by far.

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