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@19dacar52 Here's a cool jumping spider that I found along Penn's Creek that I've been trying to photograph. I need to work on my macro skills a bit, but it's a start!

Insectra 8 June 11
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Jumping spiders (and ants) are my favorite. I'd have to dig through about 1,000 files, but I have photos of a similar spider. Only ever found 1 like that, thought the coloring was awesome.

I love jumping spiders cause they always seemed curious and more intelligent than other spiders. I think since they actively hunt, they have to have more computing power in their lil brains. Doesn't take much intelligence to sit in a web and wait for the food to come to you. Watching them go on the hunt is a treat too. I was watching one stalk a fly once, it was just like a cat. It would slowly creep up from behind the fly and when the fly sensed something was amiss and turned to look, the jumping spider crouched down and waited for the fly to turn its back to it. This happened 3 times as the spider stalked the fly until it was within jumping distance.. and the fly didn't even have a chance.

Insectra, have you ever found an ant mimic jumping spider? Only ever saw 2 out in the wild, they're so cool though.


Insectra, thank you for posting these photos. I think they are great pictures especially given that these guys are so aware of the fact that they know that you are there watching them. I like how they follow your movements when you see them. The ones that are around my house have a red abdomen and a black cephlothorax.

19dacar52 Level 7 June 11, 2019

Something about their faces. They look so aware and smart.


stunning little killer


Very nice!

AnnUrge Level 5 June 11, 2019
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