Critter Corner

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

Posts Tagged "Song" By Zster (24) Posts by anyone

Critter Corner
Sep 20, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Besalbub
This horse just walked over the dune and later down for the rest of the day . We called Park service and they watched him the next day and he finally got up and walked off . They said he was pretty old the hot sand probably felt good .
1 comment
Critter Corner
Aug 11, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Leafhead
"Julian Bichir"
Critter Corner
May 13, 2019May 2019

Posted by LifelongLearner
I came across these last May while doing a bit of rock hounding in the Pryor Mountains. Crotalus viridis - Western/Prairie Rattlesnake Some kind of scorpion
Critter Corner
Apr 30, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by JimG
My first reptile sighting this year. This turtle was crossing the road, and being impatient, I moved her along.
1 comment
Critter Corner
Feb 21, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by MoonTiger
Pangolins are sooo cool!
1 comment
Critter Corner
Jan 2, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by OpposingOpposum
We made friends with a carpenter bee today. They are so Quick! My son named this one Sonic :)
Critter Corner
Oct 9, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by JimG
I met a honeybee yesterday. I'm not sure what she was attracted to, but she landed on my hand several times.
Critter Corner
Sep 2, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by walklightly
just contemplating whether i really desire to hit the road & go bush with a swag only ?
Critter Corner
Aug 29, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Leafhead
Underwing Moth
1 comment
Critter Corner
Aug 3, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Insectra
Insect rainbow (l) Red milkweed beetle, small milkweed bug, Eastern tiger swallowtail, dogbane beetle, widow skimmer
Critter Corner
Jul 25, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by walklightly
tiny day today, so this is the wee-est moth i have encountered so far - in southern india. less than 1 cm wing span.

Photos 1,930 More

Posted by dalefvictorThis is a picture of Tigger, he has been sick for a while.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by ZsterMy first Monarch since moving here! I started a butterfly garden two years ago, specifically targeting monarchs and swallowtails.

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

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