Critter Corner

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

Posts Tagged "cats" By Zster (24) Posts by anyone

Critter Corner
Sep 2, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by Mooolah
LINKWayne family raises monarch butterflies: 'It's important to know how simple it is.'
1 comment
Critter Corner
Mar 23, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by dalefvictor
This is a picture of Tigger, he has been sick for a while. We took him to the vet and got medicine, but unfortunately he passed today. The good thing about pets is that they give you a lot of love, the bad thing is that it comes to an end. He will be...
Critter Corner
Oct 15, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by dalefvictor
Kate, who has gained a little weight lately, due to her disease, finally said, "I finally get why ft ladies have a number of cats, it is because they have better access to food and can eat every time their human does." We do not mean any disrespect ...
Critter Corner
Apr 12, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Allamanda
I'm not sure what this is, perhaps the pelvis of a cat, small dog or deer faun, goat, we don't have any other large enough fauna? found in my garden today. It's like a face, or face and arms at several angles.
1 comment
Critter Corner
Oct 1, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Zster
Just spent a very UNleisurely afternoon getting a wild squirrel out of my house. I shut up both cats and opened an easy escape route to the outside from where I knew the squirrel to be. The little thing would not leave! I nudged it with a ruler to ...
Critter Corner
Sep 2, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Remi
Got my little rescue butterfly all set up for the night in his own little tent! (Repurposed cat carrier) I don't think I should put him outside. Tried earlier and saw a bird eyeballing him so I had to bring him back in. His wings are shot so I guess...
Critter Corner
Sep 1, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Besalbub
First photo post : cat ate mouse , cat puked up mouse , mouse grew fungus
1 comment
Critter Corner
Jul 22, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by joantheloon
I have two cats. They are sisters from the same litter. One is oblivious to the rain, her sister, on the other hand, hears thunder and runs out of the yard and hides somewhere ! They couldn't be more different !
1 comment
Critter Corner
Jul 15, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by AmiSue
Rita visited the pet store where my son works today. Sporting her sassy new harness. She no longer fits in the cat carrier, had to ride shotgun in the car.
Critter Corner
Jun 24, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Insectra
Some of the Attacus atlas larvae I'm raising, indoors, on Syringa (lilac). The last pic is one I found online. This is what my caterpillars will become as adults.
Critter Corner
Mar 26, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Zster
Got any spring projects for the critters? Now that I've been freed from the corporate machine, I actually have TIME for some improvements! My daughter and I plan to plant edible herbs (for ourselves and our cats) and to put in some blooming plants ...
Critter Corner
Oct 16, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by btroje
you never know who may be your friend or accessory
1 comment
Critter Corner
Sep 6, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by AmiSue
My garden bunnies are getting so big!! My cats like watching them :)
1 comment
Critter Corner
Aug 29, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by JimG
I took a walk around my yard and through some nearby woods to try to spot some nocturnal creatures. I think I found some interesting specimens. Here's a select sample:
Critter Corner
Aug 11, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Leafhead
"Paper Tiger"
1 comment
Critter Corner
Aug 1, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Islandgurl
I was in a local park that has quite a few feral cats that people feed. There are also a lot of mongooses that come to eat the cat food. They're very skittish and hard to take a picture of but I did manage to get a few, although to to clear.
Critter Corner
Jul 25, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by OpposingOpposum
Swamp cat, I think
1 comment
Critter Corner
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
I'm not sure this pic really belongs in this group, but I don't think it will offend!
Critter Corner
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Leafhead
American Lady caterpillar on Pussytoes
1 comment
Critter Corner
May 28, 2018May 2018

Posted by Insectra
I just love those eye-spots! The first small-eyed sphinx (Paonias myops) and first io moth (Automeris io) to show up at my lights this year.
Critter Corner
May 10, 2018May 2018

Posted by JimG
The first one I've seen this year and my neighbor's nosy cat.
Critter Corner
Apr 29, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by StylisticIdiot
From a few years ago... I'm so delighted to see these critters doing well where I live, here in southern Oklahoma. Anyway, I was lucky enough to catch these two doing the deed! If you look closely, you'll see that the male is biting his mate's horn! ...
1 comment
Critter Corner
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by SurvivorSteph
Here is a California Legless Lizard (Anniella pulchra) that my cat brought in a few months ago.
Critter Corner
Mar 10, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by wilsonjoe
This is "Bela", a common Chilean rose tarantula (G. rosea). A gift from my son's mother, more than making up for a well-earned rep as a notoriously bad gift-giver. Not sure how old she was when she came to live with us in 1994; my best guess is one ...
Critter Corner
Feb 17, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by Zster
Might be able to share herps in a new post... (Siri (Sirius Black), Cali, and Coolie).

Photos 1,930 More

Posted by dalefvictorThis is a picture of Tigger, he has been sick for a while.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by ZsterMy first Monarch since moving here! I started a butterfly garden two years ago, specifically targeting monarchs and swallowtails.

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

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