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My baby Selkie is getting kind of fat. Would it be healthy to cut her food down from a cup of food a day to half of a cup? Obviously I don't want to deprive her of the nutrition she needs but I don't want her to get to overweight. What do you guys suggest?
Thanks for the advice, like I said I want her to be healthy and happy.

HeathenWoman 6 Dec 31
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Mine each get half a cup per day (1/4 fed twice, morning and evening) of a high quality (Science Diet or prescription diets as needed, preferring dry), well balanced food. My cats are all within their ideal ranges for weight, and are active, healthy. If you dislike measuring/restricting, you can try a reducing diet that contains higher fiber. I am a veterinarian, and so am pulling no punches, here. Adjust changes gradually to minimize rejection. Avoid your cat fasting as this can trigger life threatening liver trouble, a huge risk of excess body weight in cats.

It is wonderful that you are recognizing excess weight and wanting to correct it. (:

Zster Level 8 Jan 1, 2019

Half a cup of food a day doesn’t sound like enough nutrition. The recommendations for adding wet food are good.

Sydland Level 7 Jan 1, 2019

Good advice given here, so I don't need to add!

Hathacat Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

I give Kitty wet food in the morning and dry the rest of the day. She is all black and her coat is healthy and shiney as hell...Seems to be working good!!!!


My kitties love this flyer and the end is replaceable which makes it more affordable for me. (3 cats). []

They do love a laser pointer too. 😉

I feed a combination of wet food and dry. And they all lost a bit of weight when I did that a few years ago.

It's hard to get a vet to recommend a brand but they seem to recommend as little cereal as possible and to stay away from store brands where possible. (Friskies and Meow Mix for instance have a ton of cereal in them). But people buy what they can afford. And I've heard of cats living 20 years on the worst stuff possible.

I buy the best (read "most expensive" ) dry food I can - and a wet food that is mostly protein. (I don't buy fish because of the possibility of mercury contamination.).

And the cheaper cat foods also have a ton of salt added and that can add to kidney disease later in life. As the vet told me "It's junk food for cats it's why they like it so much".

Good luck!

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

The others are right. Slowly reduce her food and find some ways to make her more active. The laser point is an excellent suggestion.

Skeptic66 Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

I would slowly cut down. You might try different foods too to see if she is more satisfied with some than others. Also many cats over eat out of boredom or stress.

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