8 8

Zoe and Cloris often use my bare leg as a scratching post. Ouch. Ow, ow ow ..... I bought them a nice high quality scratching post which they use. They also use everything else in the house, including me. Silly cats. Very silly.

SKH78 8 Jan 18
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Zoe has decimated my shower curtain. It is in tatters. Must get a new curtain made of thicker plastic. Sigh.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

When cats are first brought into the house they are talked to and respected, eventually they get to the point where they start to climb on us and we always talk to them and let them climb, but point out that they should not use their claws. They get the idea and now when they climb on us they do not use their claws. I have no idea why this is not the fact with others, we do not yell at the children and we get along fine. We have six now.


I gifted my cats with seven new scratch forms, along with five straw rugs, while double stick taping the furniture that I wanted them to stop using. We have had some success, but not 100%.

Zster Level 8 Jan 19, 2019

24 claw holes in my truck vents the leather seats KITI ten when she stretches and punctures Laila 14 with her 6 thumbs also massages my arthritic knees


Good cat parents total love


I know how you feel. My kitten is the worst offender. Both mine and my husband's arms and legs have been torn up since we brought him home on Thanksgiving. ?

Kynlei Level 8 Jan 18, 2019



Did you rub some catnip on the ,"real," scratching post , and maybe leave a little around the base ? Helps to give them a preference .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 18, 2019


Very painful.

@SKH78 Something about catch scratches makes them hurt more and take longer to heal.

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