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"... it's a peaceful life..."

MacStriker 7 June 1
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So is parenting!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I so wanted to NOT do to more kids what my father did to his kids. Happily I found a woman who for her own reasons didn’t want children. We married and had no kids.

i retired at 45, young enough to have a second career — writing and volunteer work — as enjoyable as my first career.

An unexpected bonus has been that at 70 years I was in good enough health to start a third career — more volunteer activiity made possible by some of the research I did in my second career.

@yvilletom seems like a golden life to me. I was raped and baby trapped into marrying an abusive monster when I was 21. When that kid was 17 months old, I said I want a divorce and that monster knocked me down, choked me and raped me again. I had twins 37 weeks later. I finally got a divorce after 36 years with him because laws changed and domestic rape and abuse was not as acceptable as it once was and cops finally took him away after the millionth call.

I do not speak to any of my three sons. Nature overwhelmed the loving nurture I provided in the chaos and drama the monster created. I have gone through years of therapy to understand how I got into such an awful situation. I am resolved to the circumstance but feel bad that I spawned more monsters to continue the generational trauma.

The story above is the reason Republicans want women to have no choice and no protections. It’s how many men got their wives. I follow some instagram groups where people relate how their grandparents met and the stories of parents selling their daughters, men kidnapping young girls, men raping and forcing to marry is pretty gruesome. That’s the good old days!

@Killtheskyfairy Sounds horrific. That is a heavy load to bear in all those years. I was an altar boy in the fourth grade and when I was wrapping there glad rags around me it was apparent I needed help. So this loving priest turned his back to the other priest and while assisting me with the garb he grab a handle of my nuts. It was traumatic. I burst from his clutches and the other priest said what's with him? To which he replied I don't know what his problem is
My parents wanted to know why I was quitting that gig after only two masses. I was fearful they wouldn't believe me so I just kept telling them I don't know. I thought about telling them in subsequent days. I was afraid of how my father would react if he did believe me. He could be a violent man. It has lead to a very untrusting individual. How do you trust anyone if you can't trust "men of God" since my self education over the years Christianity and Christians in my opinion are the worst people to trust. I don't apply that to all of them as the majority are there to get there conscience assuage by the Sky Fairy. I predict that the catholic church will rebrand itself as a humanist organization. It is the only way subsequent generations will buy there hullshitm FAITH Fools Argúing Inane Theocratic Horseshit.
Can't Always Trust Hypocrites Offering Lies In Churches.

That should give you a bit of perspective in my antipathy for all things religious.

Enjoy your day. There is nothing you can do about the pasta Your best revenge is living a fulfilling life is going forward.

Good night.
Paddy O'

@Paganpaddy sounds bad, I know about lack of trust because my father was a minister who beat us regularly for not moving fast enough if he gave us a chore. In fact, my brother was teasing me in church and we got noisy when I was 4 so my dad beat us so badly with a belt on bare butt that I couldn’t sit for weeks. I know what it’s like to be violated as a child because I started developing breasts when I was in the sixth grade and had them grabbed a couple times a day up up until my mother finally got me a bra in the seventh grade. During that time, several strange men made kidnapping attempts. A Hare Krishna tried to pull me into a van. When I look back at childhood, it seems to be a series of indignities and dangers that I’m surprised I survived to be a senior citizen.

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