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I won't date a guy even if his kids are adults and out of the home. The "" chance"" of him becoming a granddad is one I won't take.

duchessa1 7 Oct 12
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it has nothing to do with my age...even as a young person was difficult to find a guy who could understand I don't like kids....I have been called every name in USA and in my other country.
BTW, could you imagine at my age putting up with his grandchildren?

duchessa1 Level 7 Nov 1, 2023

Sheesh, someone even more extreme than me. Lucky for you, you live in NY, instead of the midwest, like me, where kids and family are everything to the vast majority of people. In my local area, you would be considered undateable, esp. if you were a man, with that attitude, not only at your age, but even at my age.


Only date people with no living relatives. It is the only way to be sure. They are rare, but worth the effort to locate.

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 12, 2023

If by "living relative" you mean no mother....I don't worry; at my age nobody has a living mom. LOL

@duchessa1 Any relatives! Somehow there will always be at least one who thinks that your business is their business.

@Sticks48 I understand....Well, that person will get an answer I can't publish here. LOL

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