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People Who Prefer Pets Over Kids Are Creating Funny Memes That Explain Their Choice

Millennials are choosing pets over kids for a ton of reasons, from cost (an average of $3085 a year to raise a dog, $12-14,000 for a child) to freedom, basic companionship and not having to wipe their butts.

While not everyone thinks that this is a good thing and sure, the two things are so vastly different that the comparison is a stretch. But after a busy day at a job that doesn't offer the same security or benefits that your parents grew accustomed to, what would you prefer to come home to? A little fluffy bundle of joy who just wants to play and cuddle, or a demanding child that needs to be cooked for, cleaned after, homework and so on?


SkotlandSkye 8 Jan 13
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Since I run a pet boarding facility, I see all the time how ecstatic pets are when their people come to pick them up. I also tutored students in the past, and I saw the indifferent or sour faces the kids gave their parents when they were picked up. Most of my clients have pets and kids and they tell me they are more worried about leaving their pets somewhere under someone else's care than they are about leaving their kids with someone else.

graceylou Level 8 Jan 13, 2019

Thanks, I needed that.

UrsiMajor Level 8 Jan 13, 2019

Definitely the fluffy bundle, but that's with the benefit of hindsight unfortunately.

My wife and I had 2 children each and we love them deeply and without reservation ... but we both agree that we wish we had gone the childless route. It's too much life force sucked out, too much thankless sacrifice, for way too uncertain an outcome. And it's not like the world needed the extra people.

Also, frankly, if they weren't our kids, and I were a total stranger to them, I'd judge the four of them collectively to be, charitably, a wash in terms of a net plus for society. Since we're nothing special, that's about all two flawed people can hope for, is not to add to the mayhem. But don't tell me most hopeful and idealistic young people don't think in the back of their minds that having children is a big part of making the world a better place. Just the hubris of youth guarantees they'll think they'll do better than their parents. And to that notion, I can only say AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

mordant Level 8 Jan 13, 2019

In the majority of surveys, people who had children would choose NOT to have children if given the choice again. And, as you noted, breeding more humans onto a dying planet filled with 7.6 BILLION humans is about the poorest choice that someone could make.

Our jails, prisons, and drug rehab centers are full of people who were supposed to "make the world a better place".

@SkotlandSkye That's why the birth rates drop when education and affluence increase. We need something more than aging and experience to drop the birth rates. By then it's an academic exercise.

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