12 5

Ok, this might start world war three, but I'd be interested to hear from this group members to sound off about breastfeeding in public!

Personally, being a woman it disgusts me.
I have no issues with breastfeeding, but can you cover up?

I do not want to see that while I'm eating my dinner!

Pluviophile 6 Mar 21
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How very unenlightened.

Wrytyr Level 7 Mar 22, 2019

Ew. Iā€™m with you. No one wants to see that shit.


Itā€™s natural and beautiful.
To me your comment ā€œ I do not want to see that while Iā€™m eating my dinner.ā€ Is a bit much .

Gypsy494 Level 7 Mar 22, 2019

I have no problem with it. Just as long as the mother realizes that, as a cis-hetro male, I'll probably enjoy the view for a moment. I know it doesn't give me the right to comment (which I think goes both ways here) or be invasive, and I don't take that liberty. It's more like if something or some event catches my eye, I will visually follow it for a moment. I'm also aware that it is easy to become desensitized to this scene with more exposure to it. Kinda funny how things become more normal with exposure and then fade into the background like that. Base idea: let them feed in public, nothing wrong with a nipple capable of lactating.

PadraicM Level 7 Mar 22, 2019

Breastfeeding is a perfectly healthy and natural behaviour among mammals. That some folks find it 'disgusting' is quite beyond me. I personally find tattoos disgusting and wish I didn't have to look at them in a restaurant or on the beach. Should they be banned just because of my tastes? What about fat girls? Folks in wheelchairs? Parkinson's victims? Burn victims? None of these folks are particularly decorative. Should they be shamed into oblivion? Get over yourselves.

Arouet Level 7 Mar 22, 2019

My wife saw a woman whip it out right in the checkout line at the grocery store, and her reaction was pretty much like yours.

It's her view that it costs nothing to have a little modesty and decorum and consideration for others. No, there's nothing immoral about it as such, but then there's nothing wrong with me going to the grocery store shirtless either. Still, for some reason, I don't do it, and I'm sure if I did, a lot of people would look askance at me and I might even be asked to leave on a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" basis.

It's not a question of obscenity, it is a question of social cohesion and reciprocity and courtesy. I don't think my wife would have been annoyed by how most people handle this, with a blankie over the baby and no one has a seizure if there's an inadvertent peek at the theatre of operations once in a great while. But pulling the entire breast out and being an exhibitionist about it is just showboating because you can. And is it right to provoke people who DO think it's indecent, whose children might be there with them? It's needlessly confrontational and no one is saying you can't breast feed pretty much at your convenience, just don't make people have the experience with you.

mordant Level 8 Mar 21, 2019

@Holiday Apparently someone hasn't heard "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". These days it's When in Rome, let each person do what they want. Somehow I don't think it works that way.

It's not an onerous requirement to be a bit discrete and considerate. No one is saying you can't feed your baby, or even that there's some objectively right or wrong way to do it ... only that there are social conventions in a given area and you shouldn't assume you get to set them unilaterally.

Am I supposed to take a dump in the checkout aisle if I feel like it? After all, I'm just taking care of my bodily functions. And I saw a guy do it once in Lower Slovbodia and no one complained. People shouldn't be confrontational about that to me!

It's always a balance between the individual and society; this is not a balance. It is the selfish determination of individuals to do what they want, when they want, how they want. You, I or breast-feeding women don't get to do do that.

@Holiday Nah, perfectly calm. Just making points that you decline to address. But sure ... I'll agree to disagree.


As long as they cover up, I'm cool with it.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 21, 2019

I think it could be done respectfully. I have no problem with breastfeeding, but at least drape a blanket over the rugrat.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Mar 21, 2019

well I have read from women that using a covering their babies will throw it off or refuse to eat under it. And the only way their baby seems to eat is with the full breast exposed. So, logically, those fussy lil sh_ts seem incapable of doing so while covered up. Now as for others where the baby is not a lil fussy thing, they could cover up, however should not have to, especially during humid summers/weather. I am made uncomfy by it too but I just look away, in this case it's my problem/issue not the mothers'.


Truly a first world problem, it doesn't bother me as long as the baby is quiet. People that insist on taking a child out that is too young to be controlled.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 21, 2019

I'm clearly the wrong person for you to ask - I might be one of the only ardently child free lactivists out there. Don't much care whose panties get twisted about catching a glimpse of nipple - if it's a place the mother and baby are welcome, she should feel welcome to feed the baby there.

That said, I think when it's done 'right,' others often won't even be aware that it's happening. Women who attract attention while breastfeeding are likely just coarse people in ways that have nothing to do with breastfeeding.

synergy Level 6 Mar 21, 2019

It doesn't bother me in and of itself, though I don't especially like kids in public in general (depending on the setting). I'm much more put off by snot-nosed kids running around in a nice restaurant, making noise to the point of disruption, and wiping their sticky hands on strangers (e.g., me), or babies crying and screaming in a fancy or luxury setting where people have paid to enjoy themselves without such distractions. (My feeling is that parents don't get to be "normal people" out in public without a sitter for a few years after having kids; they need to do everyday shopping, banking, etc., of course, but don't have the social right to disrupt fine dining, movies, etc., of everyone else who's paying a bit extra to enjoy the nicer atmosphere/ambiance or dedicated entertainment not expressly intended for young children. Parents just don't get to enjoy that luxury at the expense of imposing a screaming child with slime-covered everything upon everyone else who paid for peace and quiet or other pleasantries. I realize having kids sucks and parents are looking for an escape, but that doesn't mean inflicting the little manure factories upon everyone else who had the superior sense to not have children ā€” or at least to not bring children to such venues.) A baby quietly latched and suckling is, to me, almost a joy by comparison.

resserts Level 8 Mar 21, 2019

Well said, especially the bit about the uncontrolled hell-spawn.

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