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Being single and childfree is always a lonely place. This happened to me this week...
I received a message from a potential suitor online that asked "are you antifetus"?
That took me aback for a moment as I have always believed that being a parent is a choice not a political state.
He of course was blocked.

Corvislover 7 Sep 28
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My house is a refuge for unwanted teens and young adults whose families have "disowned" them for whatever reason.

I like to ask folks who profess their "pro-life" stance, "How many hard to place children have you adopted?" What, none?

I actually had someone respond with they didn't want someone else's "problem". Wow! Pro- life my a$$. Its usually only pro-birth they are concerned about.

Sonja44 Level 7 Aug 16, 2020

I would have asked if he thinks not having or wanting children makes you antifetus then does being pro fetus mean we all drop tools and procreate all day long until every woman that can be is pregnant and stays that way until she can no longer conceive.

It's a ridiculous stance and an unsustainable. Plus it is highly disrespectful of women's autonomy over their body and lives.

prometheus Level 7 Feb 18, 2020

Why would somebody say that?! What the hell is wrong with people? It's mind boggling.

Not every single person desires a child.

Fletch Level 6 Oct 5, 2019

As soon as the two R's come up ( Republiturd and Religion ), I am out of there .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 28, 2019

I wouldn't say it is a lonely place I would say it is a less stressful more money and time saved place... though I have not wanted kid(s) and if you always did but couldn't have one, I get why you feel the way you do.

I'm pretty sure as you get older the proportion of single folks looking for a relationship that don't have kids, don't want kids, and eligible for dating... probably quite small.

@prometheus well hopefully my generation is different since we are having kid(s) much later in life or choosing to not at all. Time will tell.


You should have replied you are not anti-fetus, but you are anti-stupid.

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 28, 2019

I just consider it time saved... A lot of people don't like my strong Roe v Wade or Anti-Trump stance. Eliminates a lot of potential suitors straight off the bat. They usually de-friend themselves.

UrsiMajor Level 8 Sep 28, 2019

Saves you from being aggravated by Republiturd Assholes .


I'm not entirely sure what he meant. Is he pro-life and asking, in an accusatory manner, whether you are pro-choice? I've never heard "antifetus" before.

resserts Level 8 Sep 28, 2019

Nor I. I took it as a derogatory statement.

@Corvislover I think I'd reply with: are you a forced birther and anti-womens rights?

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