4 4

Now at my age when you don't have and don't want kids, but looking for a partner, finding a lady without a busload of grandkids is the problem. They tend to be the focus of their lives (along with the 14 cats).

mtnhome 7 Apr 29
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Coming here, you will indeed find women who are "Crazy Cat Ladies" but sans children. Most of us do not have 14 cats, lol. Crazy Cat Ladies - at least the ones I know - have one to four cats. Meow, purr, purr, purr.

SKH78 Level 8 May 12, 2018

Nothing wrong with "Crazy Cat Ladies"... they have the biggest hearts and are among the best of people! It's the CATS! I dated a wonderful gal in OH a couple years ago who told me she had "some cats". Yep, turned out to be, 20-25, but only about 6 were indoors all the time. I survived it for several week-long visits but finally, my body/lungs reached their limit and I had to leave at 3 AM in a blizzard to make the 6-hour drive home because I could no longer breathe. Dang!


If you moved to my city - Minneapolis - you would easily find women friends who do not have children and grandchildren. Here, there are maybe three or four single women for every single man, so the dudes got it made. Move here and you will have women beating down your door, lol.

SKH78 Level 8 May 12, 2018

OK, I hear ya! Your fine city is getting a big circle around it on my map of places I need to check into! I do know it has won some of those awards for "Best City to Live In" in the past but didn't know it was because of the single women! Who knew?

Yep, the men got it made. Minneapolis has lots of childless, educated, intelligent Women Who Think. There are several women for every man ... so the women either go without male companionship or they share. I actually know women who share a man - they would like to have a man all to themselves, but that is not the way it is. Boo Hoo.


I always thought dating at my age, which is 52 ,would be so much easier because of the breeding issue being off the plate. Unfortunately I'm having the same experience. If it's not grandchildren, it's adult children. Just because a child turns 18 does not in any way mean that it's capable of living on its own. Many men my age have grandchildren and college educations to worry about. I found just because a dating profile says" grown children not living with me" is not the magic bullet for a green light

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 6, 2018

Very often, I'm finding those otherwise-datable females my age are either caring for the grands because their adult-child parent(s) cannot, or the lady is also or alternatively caring for the adult child. This is usually not disclosed up-front. Long list of maladies like bi-polar syndrome, PTSD, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic joblessness, mental disorders... to name but a few. Some are ticking time-bombs. Am I selfish for not wanting to jump in on these? I feel terrible for the adult parent (I suspect more often the mom than the dad), but I CHOSE to not have kids of my own for lots of good reasons, including these.

Yes, this is my problem too.


Yeah.... It seems like anyone over 30 has kids.

And anyone over 55 has grands that they're practically attached to. And many end up taking care of the grands when their kids are unable.

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